Today was a Pretty Good Day!

Actually this weekend was pretty good.  I feel like I got a lot accomplished since I got back from Atlanta.  I got myself my birthday present – a little early, but I just can’t keep a present from myself :) Also, I didn’t really expect to find what I really wanted so quickly, but I did so I had to have it.  I will post some pictures of it later.  I worked out a plan with my brother to get the property cleaned up and I got myself new safety glasses, that actually fit!!  Paul got the router working and so the website is back up and I can write this :)

My 37th Birthday Present to Myself!!
My 37th Birthday Present to Myself!!

I got a new hair do as well – it isn’t crazy different but just enough to make me feel a bit better – everyone knows that when a woman has a big change in her life she MUST do something different to her hair :)

Last, but something I am happy about, I got me some new towels!!  They are so soft and wonderful :)

Alright, time to get back to the cooking and wrap this up :)

On a sadder note, but worth mentioning, tomorrow we are putting down our last pack dog Emma.  She has had a hard last couple months and I really think it is the right thing to do.  We love her very much and will miss her just as deeply as the others.  We hope that someday soon we will be able to get some new dogs, but for now we will just absorb the memories of these wonderful friends.