For the last week I have been in West Virginia for another cut-over and just support / training. It has been a while since I have been to a place and was just overwhelmed with how many sights to see. I can only remember a couple that were even comparable – Chicago, the first time I ever went and Canada, specifically Revelstoke.
I am still processing everything – it really is a beautiful place. I got several good pictures, but I was so focused on absorbing it all that I really didn’t take enough
As usual with my work experiences everyone I met and worked with was great. In m y experience, the railroaders – the ones out there everyday – really look out for visitors. They want to make sure that you see good stuff and are having a good time. So polite, I have said this several times, I really do feel very lucky to have stumbled into this career and being able to experience what I have is a real privilege. I get to associate with very smart, happy, and wonderful folks!!
Well, I am kinda tired so I will edit this later to add the link to pictures.