Day 34 – A Day In-Diana

I have been at the airport in Evansville Indiana for about 5 hours now.  I can assure you that it is about 5 hours too long!!!!  In reality it could be worse.  They have free wifi and a really nice sitting area –  I have been lounging on the couch type thing for a couple hours now.  I just am anxious to get home.  I am starting to feel a headache coming on and my nose hurts a bit.  I can tell the flight from ATL to JAX is going to be a hard one.  Thankfully it is short.

I spent the morning lounging around the hotel and helping a couple people on the phone and then dove the hour to the airport and helped a couple more people and now am doing this :)

I have slept pretty good the last couple of days and I sure hope that continues.

I really have nothing worth noting today, not that I normally do :)

It got pretty cold here today, the wind was just non stop.  I really think if the wind had died down it would have been a little bit nicer.

Alright, going to pack up the laptop and just relax!!

Day 33 – The Darkest Day

It is so yucky weather wise today!  It is so dark out I thought it was closer to dinner time, but no it’s only 15:30!!  I just looked at my phone and see we have a tornado warning!  Amazing – just what everyone needs I am sure.

I worked in the hotel today and went out to Applebee’s for lunch with the test engineer Ricardo.  He is very nice and we talked about a lot of work type things and it was good.  He ended up being the last person to leave the meeting today and I helped him with a bunch of stuff in the program so that was a great session.

The person who I was helping a lot yesterday from Maintenance came over this morning and brought me muffins!  It was so nice and no one had done that for me before so I was very happy!  I ate one that was like apple pie style and then saved blueberry one for tomorrow.  The hotel here actually has very good muffins itself, but I am sure this one is very good too.

I had so many packages come in the last couple days it is going to be too much when I get home :)  My new bed will be here Thursday so I will be spending the weekend putting that together and moving stuff all around.

Alright, I am going to snack on the rest of my lunch and just veg.  Maybe I will get sleepy and be able to fall asleep here soon and get lots more sleep!!!

Day 32 – The Day of Railroad

So today we were at the cutover and it was so very cold!!!  We stood at this crossing waiting to do our part for so long I was getting so very cold so I sat in the truck most of the time but at least I was able to get some other work done.  Once we finished with that crossing I was dropped off at the yard office to help a couple of the maintenance people with their stuff.  We got lots accomplished, so even though I missed a lot of cutover stuff we still got a lot done.

We had pizza for lunch which makes 3 meals in a row of pizza for me – I think I am officially pizza-ed out :)

I am back at the hotel now and am going to try to get some good sleep.  I feel very tired so I am going to pounce on that :)

Day 31 – The Day of Mistakes…

It has been one of those days today!!!

  1. First off this morning, I set my alarm to be up at 04:45 to make my flight and I get awaken by the puppy and not the alarm.  Turns out I set the alarm for a weekday!
  2. I forgot to give Nickel his pain meds.
  3. I forgot that I was checking 2 bags and not 1.
  4. I made hotel reservations for not enough nights.
  5. I made car reservations for not enough days.
  6. I forgot that I  checked 2 bags (again) until I was half way to my hotel – so 30 minutes away.
  7. I almost killed myself in the elevator, they mopped and left it soaking wet.
  8. I just spilled an entire drink.

Now I am sitting in bed because this day has been too much!!

On the plus side, I wasn’t late to the airport and I had an amazing blue berry muffin and when we landed in Atlanta, it had to be the softest landing I have ever experienced.  Then in Atlanta I got my Starbucks and I had me another amazing blueberry muffin – I think better than the first but really only because she heated it up!!  It was so yummy :)

I got a nice rental car, very little miles and was very clean :)  I just finished up me some pizza and it was yummy so all in all it has balanced out I would say :)

Well, like I said I am going to just relax for a bit, try to catch a nap and stay safe :)