Day 69 – The Day of Delta Greatness

Right now I am sitting in the Atlanta airport on my layover and I am at, I think, 1 of the two gates that are using a new boarding method at Delta.  They are doing kinda like Southwest where they have boarding lanes, but they are based on your zone.  I LOVE IT!!!!  A huge anxiety maker for me is when the people block the loading way and they are boarding the plane until the last group.  They just crowd the whole area and make it impossible to get to the front.  I HATE IT :)

I was lucky enough to experience this last flight to Baltimore.  It made it so easy to get on the plane.  Way to go Delta.

I was up very early, 04:00 for this flight and luckily I slept most of the first one.  I felt very good getting off the plane and now am eating my breakfast.  While I was getting food in Baltimore there was only a couple places open and Dunkin Donuts was one of them.  There was a lady with two kids, a 3 year old little girl and probably a 7 year old boy.  The little girl was so stinking cute!  She wanted a specific donut, not a specific kind a specific one.  When the mother got her the donut, she got her the kind, but not the one and the little girl had a melt down and dropped to the floor.  It was adorable, sorry for the mom, but I was just laughing.  It reminded me of those memes that you see where the kids are crying and the caption says something like, I wouldn’t let her eat the dogs food.  I really wanted to take a picture and make one but I wasn’t brave enough :)

I am sitting next to this woman who is so funny.  We are talking about transit stuff and how living in the city is amazing when you can travel around so simply without a vehicle.  It is like we are on the same page, nice.

I am sitting at this bar thing right next to the walk way so I am getting to people watch, which is nice.  You see some interesting people, interesting dress, shoes really.  Some of these women are insane with their shoe choice.

Tonight I am supposed to take mom to see Frank Sinatra Jr.  I am unsure if she will be feeling well enough to go, I don’t really wanna go but I hate to waste the tickets.  Hopefully she will be feeling well enough and be rested enough.

It was GREAT!!!!  My mom, and me, had an amazing time.  I really liked it and mom was singing along to the songs.  It had a visual component, showing old pictures and video and newspaper clippings – it was just really nice.

Mom and me at Frank Sinatra Jr.
Mom and me at Frank Sinatra Jr.
The band :)
The band :)

Day 68 – The Turn Table Day

Today I was in Cumberland this morning and ended in Baltimore.  I had a meeting to go to so that is why I was there and my flight is very early tomorrow so I drove back this afternoon.  I wasn’t sure if I was going to finish up early enough to drive in daylight so I was very happy when we wrapped at like 14:45.  2.5 hours later I am in my hotel room.  Returned the rental car and got some dinner.  Had a friend meet me for dinner which was very nice.

I saw one of the turn tables in Cumberland and while we were looking at it they were shuffling 2 engines so I got them on video.  It was so great, I wasn’t expecting to see it in action – I was just happy to see it at all.  It was amazingly quiet for how much weight it is move and how quickly it is going.

My mom wasn’t feeling well last night so I got a little distracted and didn’t post this blog so I am doing it first thing this morning while I wait for my flight.  Have a great day!!!

Day 67 – Day of Travel

I am finally at my hotel in Cumberland.   It wasn’t that it was long travel, even though it has been a long day, it was the driving in the mountains that got to me.  The vehicle I rented was more in case it snowed and it was just very underpowered for these little hills 😉

I just ordered me some pizza – my go to comfort meal when traveling.  I may have also gotten a cookie pie – maybe…

Interesting thing, when I got here the Harlem Globetrotters were just leaving.  I don’t think they were checking out, I think they have a game tonight, I was hearing on the radio.  I think that was pretty cool.

I got a little lost on the way to the hotel and went all through the town.  It was an interesting thing to say the least.  Not a very high income place and not really many places to eat and stuff.  The roads are a bit crazy!

I am in the lobby writing this and they have Maury on – the show where people just yell at each other that they are the father.  Crazy, I keep getting distracted by it – reminds me of old RailDOCS days :)

Alright, I am gonna call it quits and sit here waiting for my food so I can eat and hit the sack :)