Day 127 – The Day I People Watched

Right now I am sitting in the Chicago Midway Airport waiting on my first flight to Atlanta. I do like people watching at the airport, it is a very diverse group of people traveling all over :)

I have not had anything to eat yet this morning and I think that is a mistake. I may go ahead and put this up and go find something I can take on the plane.

I feel like I have been to this airport so many times, but really I guess it hasn’t been that many. Maybe it is just rememberable – some are just kinda generic. Alright, I know this is riveting content, so I am gonna check back in later 😉

Ok, made it to Atlanta and grabbed me some food since I have a little bit of time until my flight home. I am flying out of an area that I have not been to before and I think I might go back to these sculptures and take a picture because they were very cool. I had my hands full when I went by then the first time.

I am not people watching here, I am facing a window looking at our plane and watching them land and take off. It is pretty nice because it is bright and looks very nice out. Probably hotter than anything, but looks lovely :)

I think my mom has had just about her fill of the puppies :) She is gonna have to be strong for another week and then there will be a break in travel until it picks back up again :) I told her I needed to get Nickel certified as a therapy dog so I could just bring him. I tell you I would LOVE to do that, but I am afraid it just wouldn’t work well. People would love him, but I am not sure how he could get his exercise in.

I just saw on Facebook that they have a thing called BarkBox. Basically it is a box that you get monthly with random dog stuff in it – like treats and toys. I get this same sort of thing myself called LootCrate. I subscribed for the year, I hope it has some fun stuff in it :)

Finally home!!!!! Played with the puppies so much and they loved it. Tomorrow I am going to take two of them for a walk and they should love that too!! I was playing with Dime and I could smell mom’s coffee on her head – someone has been sticking their head in mom’s mug – AND SOMEONE HAS BEEN LETTER HER!!! She is so bad – and I mean mom :)

I got lots to unpack, un-package, and get ready to head out again on Sunday. Alright, everyone have a great night and see you tomorrow :)

The plane, the plane :)
The plane, the plane :)
Lunch :)
Lunch :)

Day 126 – The Day I had to Pay the Troll Toll

Today was another day of training, this time in a city called Perrysburg, Ohio. I didn’t do anything but stay at the hotel on this one. I got there last night, ate at their restaurant, AMAZING quesadillas – wow, and went to bed. The meeting was there today and we had lunch there so no exploring at all. After the meeting was over I made my long trip back to Chicago. With the guidance that I should take the toll rode this time. I don’t normally bother with toll roads – it goes against my something, I don’t know I just don’t like them :)

Got to the hotel and checked in, then went to get food and drop off the rental car. Now I just finished up eating and watched my YouTube episodes and I am about to change into my PJs and get in the bed and turn on some Netflix :)

I really miss home and can’t wait to be back tomorrow even though it is for a short time. Missing the puppies like I would be missing a child – ugh :)

I did get a pic this morning of the executive lounge at the hotel – so fancy :)

Something strange that is bothering me from the long drive. I have noticed that I am clenching my teeth more than normal. My teeth actually hurt right now. I don’t know what it is. I might have to wear my retainer just to treat it like a grinding guard in hopes that will help. Luckily I will be going to the dentist next month for a check up and I can let her know. Also, a couple seem to be very sensitive. More than normal. The only reason I am concerned about either of these things is that the dogs have hit me in the mouth a couple times and really hurt me. I hope it hasn’t damaged anything.

Alright, I am going to wrap it up and I hope everyone had a good day and I will talk atcha tomorrow :)

Fancy exec lounge :)
Fancy exec lounge :)

Day 125 – A Cold Day in Ohio

It was like 48 degrees here today and rainy – BOOOOOOOO!!!   Had another good session today and traveling to the next hotel wasn’t that far.  I have been relaxing in the room for a couple hours now.  Wondering when I am going to get hungry enough to go across the street for some food :)  Or maybe I should just go down to the pub here and get food.  That sounds much better.

We went to a place called the Beer Bar (I think) and I had some deep dish pizza.  It was great.  I had said I wasn’t going to eat any pizza this trip, but I couldn’t pass it up and I split it with the guy next to me – who was amazing :)

No pictures today, you would think it wouldn’t be that hard to just snap something, but it is!

The new tennis balls I ordered for the puppies arrived at the house today – they should be very excited.   Mom said she had to lock my bedroom door and I thought it was because they had figured out how to open the doors now and she said she was just kidding!  I guess she gets some of her funniness from me :) ha ha ha ha

My friend made one of my recipes and she sent me pics, it looks great!  It was the Yummy Brownie Chocolate Chip Cheese Cake.  I asked her if everyone liked it, but I haven’t heard back – I am sure they did – unless she decides not to share it :)

There is a Panera near by, I think I might have to get up a little early and get some breakfast from there – it was been forever since I had it.  I think the last time was when the boys and I were in Washington DC.

Dad said they moved my old trailer yesterday.  The end of an era :)  That was my first place by myself and I owned it :)  Time flies when you are doing something – I forget, I’m old!!

I have the class tomorrow, then a long drive back to Chicago and then a long day of travel home.  My next trip starts in Sunday, Mother’s Day.  The good news there is that I don’t leave until later in the afternoon so I can spend some time with mom :)

Well, it’s 19:00 now so I guess I will go down and get something to eat, luckily I am having a typical travel appetite where I hardly eat :)  I should travel constantly!!!

I am gonna wrap it up because I don’t think I will have anything amazing to add tonight.  Goodnight and sweet dreams :)

Day 124 – The Day I Traveled in 3 States

Today I had a training session in the morning in Calumet City, Illinois and then I drove through Indiana and ended up in Findlay, Ohio! I would say that second to Florida I have driven more in Indiana then any other state!! A couple years back I had done some training for the Indiana Rail Road and on that same trip did training for the Louisville and Indiana Railroad. I ended up driving between them and saw some very nice country. This trip today was about 5 hours and not as interesting, mostly straight interstate type roads.

I did however, see a windmill farm, is that what it is called – I don’t know but I am pretty sure that was the first time I have ever seen that in real life. Did have to pull over to get some pics. Also, all the fields were bare and no real farming happening so that made it a little dull too.

I am super glad I got the rental car I did – it was really nice driving over here. Tomorrow afternoon the drive is not very long, I think like 45 minutes but Thursday night I have to go all the way back to Chicago.

I grabbed me some Subway for dinner, it was very good :) That happens to be what we had for lunch too. That was not as good – the platters never are :)

I miss my folks and I miss those sweet sweet puppies :) I called and asked how they were. My mom said that my brother Carlos came over and played with them until they couldn’t play anymore!! Makes me very happy :) I think I left them with 1 tennis ball and dad said he found about 6 around the woods – ha ha ha!

Alright, I am still a little bit snotty from flying so I am going to try to get some sleep – didn’t sleep too well last night – SHOCKING I know :)

In honor of my friend Chris, since I drove through his town today – SEE YA!!!!

Windmill Farm - taken with the Moment Wide Lens
Windmill Farm – taken with the Moment Wide Lens

Day 123 – The Day I Spent in ATL

This morning’s travel was special. I realize when I get through security that I have forgotten my wallet at home… Luckily I have a company credit card and my ID on me. Now I am sitting in the Atlanta airport and they have oversold this flight so I decided to take the incentive and go on a later flight. They gave me $1000 in Delta dollars so I am hoping that will come in handy when I want to go someplace this year. Plus now that I am going later I can get me some Panda Express here at the airport!!!! Awesome :)

I am sitting in a little corner so I can’t really people watch, but there was an interesting character behind me talking on his phone very loudly and about very personal stuff – never a dull moment if you just pay attention :)

I was able to get some Starbucks, it was good, haven’t had it in a bit.

I have to wait here until this flight boards and then I am off to the other concourse. Oh and that is the one with all the shopping too!!!! Wait, don’t have my wallet, that is probably a blessing :)

Well, they ended up not needing anyone to take another flight so I am in my hotel room ready for bed :)

I rented a brand new Dodge Charger, it is really nice. I had the option to get a new Fiat, but I am going to be driving a lot this trip so I am very glad I got the Dodge. It is very comfy.

Also, there was a Panda Express near by so I got that for dinner. Not really able to eat a lot of it, my tooth is killing me all of the sudden. Oh well, it is a good thing for me to not be eating :)

OK – just wanted to wrap this up and goodnight!!!

Sitting at the gate - now we wait ;)
Sitting at the gate – now we wait ;)