Day 140 – The Long Way Home

Today we drove home from Charleston and the ride was very good!! Had a lot of good conversation and ate a good lunch!

Home earlier than I expected so that is very nice and now I was catching up on some work stuff and of course playing with the puppies :)

Well, played with the puppies a couple times, but now it is pouring and the very last time I was out something stung me. Not sure what, hopefully it was just a plant or something and not a bug.

Tomorrow we have a meeting with the insurance person and then getting ready to go out on the road again :)

Alright, gonna watch some TV and unwind – I think the puppies might be a little sleepy!! Goodnight all!!!

The USS Yorktown
The USS Yorktown

Day 139 – The Day of the Suite

Today was another travel day. I am heading to Charleston for an important meeting tomorrow for work. I am meeting a couple people I work for there and I am pretty excited for it. I’m at the Atlanta airport I am feeling very strange. I think I am having a slight issue with my medicine where I feel a little bit light headed or something like that. Anyway, can’t wait to get there.

So I finally make it to Charleston and I almost didn’t! I am sitting in the ATL at the gate and didn’t realize there was a change in the gates. Luckily it was just the next one down, but I was the last person on that plane. That would have sucked!!! Now when I get to here, I was supposed to be before my coworkers but no, my flight was later. OK, fine. Then I had to wait about 45 minutes for my stinking bag, a bag I should have just carried on. UGH!!!!

The rental we got was some kind of upgrade and it was a Navigator. It is NICE!!!! We get to the hotel and my coworker is on the same floor as me, but my room was first and it was a suite! When I went down for dinner I asked the lady how I got that room and she said it was an upgrade because the hotel was full! SCORE!!!!

It is a nice room, jet tub, shower, living room, nice big bed – too bad I am only here tonight! And with that – goodnight!

Bridge on the way to the hotel.
Bridge on the way to the hotel.