Golf Anyone

The apartment building has 2 golf simulators in the basement but then only problem is that the golf clubs are all giant size.  Well, maybe like average normal man size :)  So, I decided to grab my own set of clubs so that maybe I can go down and play and maybe do something good with it!!  Now I just need to get people to come over and play who know something about it, give me some pointers.

I ended up breaking my website yesterday after I posted, tried to do some updates, but my brother Paul was able to save the day!  I guess that’s what happens when you don’t do anything with your site for like over a year.

I am doing laundry again today – have to travel tomorrow.  Laundry really seems to be all that I do on the weekends, besides sleep.  Laundry is all done and I am all packed for tomorrow!!  It’s been a couple hours now, still just not accomplishing much :(

I keep looking out the window, into one of the apartments of another building with a balcony, it looks so lovely.  Making me wish that I would have been able to get one.  Maybe next time – ha ha :)  I doubt there will be a next time for my stay here in NY.  I have almost a year left on this lease and I just don’t know what is going to happen here.  I love it, but work is where work is I suppose.

Hanging it up for now.