OK, I just got an email back on a help email I sent that clearly shows that I am a typical crazy user. I purchased a lens for my iPhone and it had these black shades on the corners. Um, how about I screw it all the way on, AMAZING
So anyway, everyone forgot about taking the pictures of the day so we decided to allow tonight to be catchup and get back on track. So I had just spent 45 minutes in the woods and saw no birds. Should have been a simple task. I saw one bird and by the time I snapped the pic, you could not tell that it was a bird. Now, the other ones I missed: Selfie – easy, Map – also easy, and Stars – I think this is easy, we will see.
I will upload them all to this calendar: Picture a Day
I managed to spill a whole container of cleaner this morning while I was trying to get Nickel to stop destroying his toybox. Just what I wanted… Had to clean it up half awake and then shower and really hope to get rid of the smell. I am happy to say I think I succeeded in getting rid of the smell. At least I didn’t smell it
Dad and I went over what to do with the desk, just have to sand it some more and then we will be good.
I am just going to relax and head to bed soon