Today I got a package that I didn’t order – I promise Apple sent replacement USB-C cables because the original ones were having some issues. I personally have not experienced it so that is good, but good on you Apple for being pro-active!!
I had a couple hours more work on the project I was working on last night, crazy. And I had two other people helping me!
I didn’t order my additional crates today because I was trying to spend enough to not pay for shipping but was having trouble with the last like $5.
I am really tired today and I am unsure why. I did and have been sleeping much better so I am just confused. I am going to skip taking the sleep aid tonight and see how it goes. I think it will be fine, I have been feeling a little bit different.
Next week I am starting back on the treadmill. I am doing it next week because I am still clearing stuff out of my room so I can actually lower the thing. I will get a couple weeks in and then back to the personal trainer.
No pictures today, well actually let me just take one really quick of me and my helper