Day 47 – The Day a Penny Ran Away (From Me)

That Penny dog – she is such a BRAT!!!!  She got out of the fence and then when I finally found her she continued to stroll away from me.  Finally I just left her booty since it was so close to dinner time.  I figured she would come home soon and she did!

Today started my web demos at work and it went pretty well.  Didn’t have the participation I thought I would, but I think it is because of when the invites went out.  I am not going to worry too much about it, unless tomorrow is low too :)

I ordered some more crates to finish the wall.  I am hoping that they come before the weekend and I can actually get the other ones I need from the store, not just online like the ones I ordered today.

Alright, I am going to get ready for bed.  I was, and still am, yawning all day!!!

The HUGE train my mom got me. It is very nice and very big :)
The HUGE train my mom got me. It is very nice and very big :)