Day 42 – A Day in Downtown Middleburg

Well, not really a day, I just had to run to the post office to mail something I forgot to put in the box :)  I did take a picture though, oh how it has changed.

Nothing too crazy to report today.  We did get our new curtains today, but haven’t put them up.  Oh yeah, mom dropped an entire container of sequin type things – all over her room and Nickel did try to help by picking 1 up :)  He ran like the wind, but we did get it back.

Also, related to the dogs, I tried to brush them a little because they do shed a lot and Nickel was having none of it.  He needed that brush though, that was a great prize :)  He also gave that back after a little playing :)

Certainly didn’t get as much done today as I should have.  I did make dinner, made dinner all week really so that was good :)

Downtown Middleburg y'all!
Downtown Middleburg y’all!