Day 40 – The Day of the Dogs and Beans

I went downtown today for some meetings and found out that the parking garage that I use is no longer taking daily parkers.  WHAT?!  I did manage to get a spot in the lot though that ended up being a great spot.  It is on the side of the building and the wind was so strong it was pushing my legs out from under me.

I got some books today on how to train the blue heelers – I am excited to see what this has to offer on helping us get them under a little bit of control :)  They aren’t horrible, potty training is proving a little difficult and also trying to get them not to continuously bark in the house.

I also made my next trip arrangements, just to Atlanta for the day but it is at the end of March.  I am sure that I am going to be going out before that, but it is confirmed.

I almost forgot to explain the title :)  We had beanie weenies for dinner and it was AMAZING :)

I also got my little elephant ring holder – I like it so much :)

My new elephant ring holder :)
My new elephant ring holder :)