Day 37 – The Day That was Hot by Glue

Today I did manage to get some of the things on my list done.  I got the box spring out from my bed.  It is definitely low enough now, I am slightly worried it is too low.  Will find out tonight I suppose :)

I have got to run to the office, going to see if one of the boys wants to come with me now.

Will add tons of pictures from today :)

Just got back from the office where I had 2 things to do, get my new watchband and change my password.  Well, the internet was down so no password changing for me :(

When we got back, Carlos went with me, we walked over to make sure that my storage shed had room in it for my old bed and dresser.  There is room which is great.

I will work very hard this week to get my stuff cleared off so that I can move that stuff to the shed.  The weather is just so bad right now I really don’t want to do it.

Oh, forgot that when we went to the office there was a new tennis ball in the parking lot – so that means Nickel has a new tennis ball :)  It has caused quite the uproar in the Spicer house, everyone wants the new ball :)

Nickel so sweet sleeping on the bed :)
Nickel so sweet sleeping on the bed :)
Same time, but Dime sleeping so sweetly :)
Same time, but Dime sleeping so sweetly :)
Penny still moves too fast for the camera!
Penny still moves too fast for the camera!
Took the box spring out - looks much better! I may have gone crazy with pillows, but oh well :)
Took the box spring out – looks much better! I may have gone crazy with pillows, but oh well :)
Even these dogs can not stand for plants to be in the flower bed! These are sharp leaves, I am not sure how they can stand it.
Even these dogs can not stand for plants to be in the flower bed! These are sharp leaves, I am not sure how they can stand it.
My new white watch band - I am such a pimp!!
My new white watch band – I am such a pimp!!