Day 357 – The Day After My Mothers Birthday

Today is the day after my mothers would be 76th birthday. For my memory of her I got a tattoo of a tortoise on my wrist. I am not super emotional lately – not super happy or super sad, but I did manage to cry yesterday evening. I am so very appreciative of people who care about me and I was talking to one of them and I just can’t get over how nice some people are!

Enough mushy stuff :)

I have been working this last couple weeks mostly at home and plan on finishing out the year here as well. So thankful that I have understanding employers who work with me in my situation with my dad being here alone.

I have some traveling to do early in January – need to go to Atlanta for the Construction’s Southern Region Safety Certification. I actually need to get certified this time so no teaching just doing :)

I think that I have basically decided to just make an “office” space in the dining / living room. That way we can all be together in the house and I am sure more comfy. My sister is here now, I think I am going to get her to help me take out the leaves in the table so I can leave my big huge white board out of my bathroom :)

I need to leave here to go get my packages – maybe hook the gate back up on my way out!!

For my mother - forever love
For my mother – forever love
For my Peanut - and all the other puppies
For my Peanut – and all the other puppies

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