Day 34 – A Day In-Diana

I have been at the airport in Evansville Indiana for about 5 hours now.  I can assure you that it is about 5 hours too long!!!!  In reality it could be worse.  They have free wifi and a really nice sitting area –  I have been lounging on the couch type thing for a couple hours now.  I just am anxious to get home.  I am starting to feel a headache coming on and my nose hurts a bit.  I can tell the flight from ATL to JAX is going to be a hard one.  Thankfully it is short.

I spent the morning lounging around the hotel and helping a couple people on the phone and then dove the hour to the airport and helped a couple more people and now am doing this :)

I have slept pretty good the last couple of days and I sure hope that continues.

I really have nothing worth noting today, not that I normally do :)

It got pretty cold here today, the wind was just non stop.  I really think if the wind had died down it would have been a little bit nicer.

Alright, going to pack up the laptop and just relax!!