It is so yucky weather wise today! It is so dark out I thought it was closer to dinner time, but no it’s only 15:30!! I just looked at my phone and see we have a tornado warning! Amazing – just what everyone needs I am sure.
I worked in the hotel today and went out to Applebee’s for lunch with the test engineer Ricardo. He is very nice and we talked about a lot of work type things and it was good. He ended up being the last person to leave the meeting today and I helped him with a bunch of stuff in the program so that was a great session.
The person who I was helping a lot yesterday from Maintenance came over this morning and brought me muffins! It was so nice and no one had done that for me before so I was very happy! I ate one that was like apple pie style and then saved blueberry one for tomorrow. The hotel here actually has very good muffins itself, but I am sure this one is very good too.
I had so many packages come in the last couple days it is going to be too much when I get home My new bed will be here Thursday so I will be spending the weekend putting that together and moving stuff all around.
Alright, I am going to snack on the rest of my lunch and just veg. Maybe I will get sleepy and be able to fall asleep here soon and get lots more sleep!!!