Day 264 – Another Day Another Hump (yard)

HA HA, did everyone see what I did there?!  Today we were at Hamlet Yard and finished pretty quick so I got to see up close them “humping” the cars.  I was talking to one of the people who control the locomotives remotely, he was so nice, and was able to give me some good info.  It’s good info for me, but I promise you would not be entertained – ha!

I am now in Rocky Mount, North Carolina and sitting on my bed waiting to go to dinner.  There is this little gas freak out going on here and there are several places that don’t have gas.  This is just crazy, people are freaking out for no real reason and the gas stations are being greedy and raising the prices illegally – that burns me up!  One station says that they will only be getting premium for the next 3 days – um, premium is the least used – so how is it you are getting two deliveries of that when you wouldn’t normally??  Maybe you are putting regular in the premium tank (probably already do that crap)…

OK, gotta move on from that cause it just fires me up!

I know that people probably don’t want to hear about this, but to me it is something that I would rather have had some idea about before I had to experience it.

I realized today that I need to turn off my mom’s cell phone.  It doesn’t cost that much and it isn’t even turned on right now, but for some reason I don’t want to.  It doesn’t even have her voice on the greeting.  I just am not wanting someone else to have that number maybe.

I had a good conversation with my coworkers yesterday at dinner and I mentioned that I have my mother’s ring and it makes me think of her even though she didn’t have it very long.  About 6 months in fact.  And I also had this urge to buy something with her birthstone – she never wore her birth stones, but it is what it is.  My coworker had told me that she has her grandmother’s rings, she pulled them out right there.  It was very nice to see someone else had felt the exact same way for someone.

Just got back from dinner, going to play my little game and go to bed :)

A depot we were at in Dillon, SC
A depot we were at in Dillon, SC
The theatre in Dillon.
The theatre in Dillon.
From the depot, maybe was a bank.
From the depot, maybe was a bank.
A car going down the hump.
A car going down the hump.
The other end of the car - free rolling :)
The other end of the car – free rolling :)

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