Day 262 – The Day I Had Pancakes for Dinner

I am sitting in my hotel room after driving to Santee, South Carolina today and I am trying to get my motivation back to blog everyday.  Things have been hard and I feel numb a lot of the time, but I can’t spend this entire year in a haze.

I don’t know when it is really going to hit me that my mother is gone.  Everyone keeps telling me that everyone deals  with this differently and whatever it is that I am doing isn’t “wrong”.  I think that is good for me to hear, but I am still worried that it will all come crashing down and I won’t really be able to handle it.  My doctor said it isn’t going to be as bad as I imagine.  The fear of how hard it is going to be is worse then it is going to be.

When we got here, before we even checked in we had dinner at Cracker Barrel!  We both had pancakes :)  I rode up here with one of my coworkers if anyone is curious about the “we” – I am not that crazy :)

There is so much going on right now that I am feeling a bit overwhelmed, but my brothers are really stepping up.  Anyway, enough about that.

I am almost done with my latest book, well it shows 44%, but they count all the reference pages as part of that percentage – which is DUMB Kindle – STOP!  It is another book about a building, The Chelsea Hotel.  Very interesting stuff happens in buildings that people live in…

Alright, I am going to try to get some sleep early tonight so I am gonna stop this now.  Goodnight!


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