Day 230 – The Day I Almost Went Home

Right now I am sitting in a restaurant in the Buffalo, NY airport.  I am headed to Atlanta to help support a cutover.  I was supposed to be heading home tonight, but I got asked to help so I help :)

I fly out again on Sunday afternoon, headed to Indianapolis.  I had to not check my bag which I haven’t done in forever so that was fun.  Really it wasn’t bad, I got priority security and actually got through way before my coworker who was TSA :)

I haven’t blogged this whole trip, I have been trying to get some other things done but I am catching up right now.  We went to a mall in Utica, NY which is where we were the first night.  It was HUGE!  We must have walked 4 miles in it.  I went to my favorite store and got some shirts because NY only has 4% sales tax if the item is below a specific price!!!!

The next night we were at Syracuse, NY.  They also have the same huge kind of mall, but we didn’t go to this one because I finally got to see Niagara Falls!!!  I was so very happy, and basically forgot all about it until we got there.  We also went on the Maid of the Mist.  That was very cool, but I did just about make myself sick from watching the swirling water.  It is pretty amazing.  I don’t have a waterproof case so I didn’t get too many pictures, but my coworker did and I will get them from her soon.

Today we are in Buffalo working.  We were in Frontier Yard today, not too bad for a yard :)  They are just a bit loud sometimes, but most yards have been around for a whole.

Well, here are the pictures so enjoy and I will try to blog tomorrow :)  Get back on track!

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