Day 211 – The 20 Year Day

Today I have been in the railroad signaling business for 20 years.  Wow, I don’t feel like it, probably because for the most part it has been an amazing experience.  Where I am now is also an amazing place.  I have made great friends and been to some great places.  Most recently I have been lucky enough to meet new people and get to know others better and that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

I went downtown today to work and got lots done again.  I only had one meeting so that was good.  It was so hot though, I couldn’t believe it.  Goodness!!

We have gone out so many time tonight and the last “walk” Nickel dug up a armadillo shell…  Of course he want’s to bring it in the house, why not?!

I was just outside sitting on the tailgate of the truck, eating ice cream, and watching the puppies, listening to whip-poor-wills.

Alright, I am gonna finish up so that I can lounge before bed :)

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