Day 202 – The Day I Came Home

Today is our last day on this trip, a short week.  I am happy to be going home and happy that next week is a different kind of trip where I get to stay in the same hotel for more than a night :)

Also, I hate time zones :)  I messed up today and was about a half hour late because I didn’t realize I had set my phone to be auto changing.  Oh man, luckily they called me and I hurried up to get packed.

We are sitting in a room now waiting on people to start getting here.  This room is in a cafe so I got me some breakfast.  It was biscuit gravy, but not the best I have had :)

I am gonna eat now so I will get back with ya later :)

At the airport, only 5 hours early – no big deal :)  We just ate at a place called Shannon’s – some kind of baseball player here in St. Louis.  It was pretty good, next stop will be Baskin Robins for a milkshake!!!

I packed my sweater because it was so hot in the airport and now of course I am freezing so I may get a Cardinals sweater.  So be it.

Well since I don’t seem to get back to my blog on the same night I am going to go ahead and end this now.

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