Day 199 – Another Day Another Trip

Today I am flying to Lexington, Kentucky.  We are starting off there and then ending up in St. Louis.  These trips are hard, but they have ended up being very productive at almost every single session.  I think there has really only been 1 place that didn’t have much discussion, but at least I showed them some new functionality.

The puppies know when I have the suitcase out that I am going to be leaving.  They are both staying very close to me and it.

Laundry is all done and now I am just working around the room until I need to jump in the shower and head out :)

Food, check – shower, check – packed, check – ride here, check :)

Got to Lexington safe and sound even though the cab ride could have ended badly!  The guy was driving about 20 miles over the speed limit the entire way :)


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