Day 194 – The Day of the Beaver

This morning we were in a place called South Shore and we had another great work sessions.  It was a happy group of guys :)

We had a long drive to the next place, Cincinnati.  On the way we were down like back roads for a good bit of the way and we saw a live beaver crossing the road!  I don’t think I have seen one in the wild before so I was very excited :)  My coworkers were making fun of me, but they knew it was cool!!

We waited until we got here to have lunch which might have been a bad idea because dinner is supposed to be at a Brazilian Steak House.   We ate at Chipotle which I have only been once and didn’t love it.  Well, today it was pretty good!  I got the bowl and that seems to be what everyone raves about.

The hotel here is very nice.  It was good that it was freezing when I got there so I laid down for a nap :)  Then I haven’t been feeling well like all week so I knew what dinner was going to be like so I have decided to skip and stay here.  I hate doing that because I like being with the group, but I just can’t do it.  I know I am not going to feel good.

Going to bed now, goodnight!

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