Excuse me wild animals, but I don’t need to see you everyday! I came home today to the smell of death when I opened the front door. I asked, what is that? Parents said, smell your dogs. Gross. They found something dead to roll in and because it was so hot yesterday they had to be able to come inside so there we are. Now the first thing I have to do is bath both of them. Super Fun!! I took Dime first, she was pretty easy except she wanted to hug me so soaking wet I was. Also, my shower head is just a little bit too ling and when you turn it on while it is down it sprays straight up… Then came Nickel. Had to coax him in as well and he just kept walking in circles around me which made it very hard to get him all soaped up. Needless to say the bathroom was soaked and the dogs were still pretty wet going crazy around the house. Oh, and they still smelled pretty bad. They really could have used another bath, but I couldn’t do it, I was exhausted from it already.

Of course all the going out and for walks happened. This time we saw another snake. Please realize that this is two snakes in two days. I don’t need to see them to know that they are there. They can stay hidden and everything will be just fine. This time he was in the garage. AWESOME!

I also decided to stop by Pet Smart on the way home to get Nickel a new ball. You know, since he ate the soccer ball yesterday. Well, they didn’t have the giant tennis balls, but they did have a bigger one and I also got him a ball with a handle. This ball is rubber and like maybe 6″.

The case of the missing tennis ball… Alright, this is insane. I gave him the tennis ball and then picked it up and took the label off of it and now it has vanished. I have looked everywhere in the house, Dad has looked everywhere, and even MOM has looked everywhere and you all know if MOM can’t find it it is gone! I have also looked outside so many places. I don’t know. I am dumbfounded. It is big, like 5″ maybe. It’s hard to miss. IT CAN’T JUST VANISH!!!

Enough excitement for one night, I have a blood test tomorrow and I need to get some sleep.

Can you see the snake?
Yep, there he is!

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