Day 188 – Another Day of Nature…

OK, turtles are no big deal, even snapping ones but today we saw our first snake.  I have’t seen one over here in the entire 8 years we have been in the new house.  The dogs knew that they wanted to eat it, but they did come when I called them and left it alone.  By the way, it was just a black snake, nothing poisonous.

Also, Nickel’s new soccer ball came today…  I am taking guesses for how long it actually lasted!!!  Do you give up?  About 5 minutes.  I gave it to him played like 3 times and then I went to the restroom and heard the air escaping.  Yep, gone.

Nickel now has an empty water bottle.  He is loudly eating it.

We were going to go for a walk today, but I think that he is sufficiently tired himself out between the soccer ball, snake, and the bottle.

I got some of my office stuff today!  I am so excited :)  Tomorrow I need to go to the insurance guy – life insurance.  I need to find all my paperwork that he told me to bring about a week ago.  Why am I waiting until the last minute – DO YOU EVEN KNOW ME?!  Not really, I usually don’t wait till the last minute, this is a new problem for me.

Alright, I am wanting to go to bed, but really I just wanna jump in that cool shower :)  Talk to you tomorrow!!!

Attack of Killer Nickel.
Attack of Killer Nickel.
Attack of Killer Nickel.
Attack of Killer Nickel.


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