Tonight Nickel found a box turtle and brought it up to the house. Well, luckily he didn’t hurt him and I put the dogs up and then put him back in the general area where I think he was. Nickel has had a couple turtles and a cat. He is good though because when I call him off, he does leave it alone. I am very happy that he does that.
I tried to work on the new website, but I realize that I really don’t know what is actually gonna go on it So, homework for the next couple days will be to spend some time on 4 tag lines or topics or something for the main page. I am going to try to keep it to a single page layout with a link to my professional resume, I think.
Oh, I forgot the most crazy part of my day! I went downtown and started to move my mouse / tap on my keyboard to wake up my computer and nothing was happening. So I reached up and no computer… OOOOOOOPS I forgot it at home Luckily I had my Mac and was able to work and not have to come home or use the desktop in the team room
Alright, gonna go to bed now – Nickel is going crazy. He is making me crazy!