Day 163 – The Day of No Motivation

Oh my goodness, I could not get off my booty today…  I don’t know what the heck is wrong, I think it has to do with not feeling great and knowing that I am going out of town for a whole week.  I just got back inside from playing with the puppies and I am really feeling it today.  It is so freakin humid outside I am 100% GROSS when I get back inside, no matter how long I have spent outside.

Paul, Samantha, and Becky all came out today.  I had plans on making Paul go to the grocery store with me, but I just couldn’t get into life today.

I said a while back in my blogs that my hands and feet were itching – I think I did anyway.  So Paul and I were looking the other day and I saw the plant that is getting me itchy.  I will have to get a pic and attach it here in a minute, but it is all over and not always easily visible, but even if it was with the balls rolling and being fuzzy there is no avoiding so I try just not to touch them.  The problem is that Nickel thinks it is a game when I use the thrower to pick up the balls and I end up having to struggle with him for a couple minutes with each ball :)  Also, these tennis balls smell so freakin bad.  Bad, horrible, gross, I don’t like it :)

I am in the middle of packing since about noon. Ha ha ha, I really just need to make it all fit, replenish my shampoo and conditioner and get it done. Luckily it is a bit casual, jeans and t-shirts are fine for the meetings and then I need to bring my PPE in case I go in the field at the second stop. That makes packing a little less stressful.

Sidetrack – I have this desktop that is a time lapse of a train station, viewing the escalator and it is just a cool picture. I really wanna do some stuff like that myself, I just can’t seem to stop being in the moment to do it :) Good and bad I suppose :)

My new book is good so far. I went with the White House one. I am so gross. My feet are black and my hands are too. I am about to wrap this up and go get in the shower. Maybe I will have some ice cream tonight :)

Alright, goodnight and sweet dreams!!

Itchy plant!
Itchy plant!
Nickel waiting for dinner.
Nickel waiting for dinner.
Nickel waiting on Dad to come back with the golf cart!
Nickel waiting on Dad to come back with the golf cart!

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