Day 162 – The Haircut Day

I finished my book!!!! The Romanovs: The Final Chapter, take a peek at my review if you like :)

I took dad to get his hair cut which is kind of like a huge task. First off, I should have taken a picture of his hair because it was out of control! Second, there was another person in there cutting hair, which is nice. Normally the lady is so slow, but like everyone goes to her. I don’t really understand. The second lady cut his hair, after sitting for a while and then realized he wanted a hair cut…

OK, then I am still not 100% and it is bugging the crap out of me. I really feel like I should be all better by now. My ears are still popping a lot when I blow my nose. Goodness.

I took Nickel with me to go get food for dinner, he likes the car a lot. Dad said that Dime was a little distraught when we left, but she will not get in the car. I have played with them and he is his normal evening self, barking in my face to go play. The only problem is that it is about to rain so he is gonna be out of luck.

I will be going to two locations next week, Indianapolis and also Fostoria, Ohio – or someplace close to there. I need to get in touch with my contact to make sure I know where I am going :)

I think I have found the next book I am going to read. I think it is going to be on the Brooklyn Bridge or the White House. For those who do not know, the White House was completely rebuilt during Truman administration. So either would be interesting. Will let you know how it goes :)

I really wish I could figure out how to get Nickel to feel fulfilled in the evening. He is just sitting here barking at me, we go outside, play a little, come back in and eh does the same thing. I don’t know what to do. I took him out again, but he is still very anxious… Wish the pets could talk.

I am going to get something to drink and get in the bed :)

Goodnight all!!!

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