Day 161 – The Day Mom Didn’t Want To Go

So I was going to try to make it into the office today, but my mom had a procedure scheduled for today so I was going to take her. Well, she decided that she wasn’t feeling up to it so now I am getting stuff done at the house!!!! Laundry first and then I have to clean up my desk a good bit.

Random Rant: FedEx will never leave the package at the gate when everyone else will… Why do we put our phone numbers on the packages if the driver isn’t going to bother to call… FedEx is gonna have to do a little bit better!!!

OK, I am so sick of my ears popping when blowing my nose. Actually it’s like they get clogged when I blow my nose – the opposite, but it is very hard to blow my nose when that happens. Quality content right here y’all :) Lets stack on top of that with I gotta check on my clothes in the washer :) ha ha ha ha.

I am very close to the end of my most recent book and I am getting to the parts where it is hard to put it down. I will write a review of that when I get done – hopefully this week.

I need to figure out what we are going to have for dinner. I think we have exhausted the things I got for the last time I was out of the house. I really want some pizza – how lame is that, but sometimes you just crave stuff :)

Played with the puppies for just a bit. I got cut majorly by the palmetto plant… Only I can get bloody from playing catch with the puppies. I sliced myself like it was a serrated knife, right on the bendy part – AMAZING!!! Also, I just love how we play for 10 minutes and the dogs are passed out, but at night I had to take them out at like 10pm for a “walk” to calm them down. By walk I mean we walked to the gate and back. They are crazy.

The dogs are doing their thing now – right on time :)  Nickel is just bothering the crap out of me and we have been outside playing like 6 times already.  He needs sleeping pills…

Mom Update: Mom is feeling a little bit better this evening, she slept from like noon until dinner.  I am not sure what is going on, I hope she feels a bit better before I leave, but we might have to do like we did a couple weeks ago and have the boys come out :(  She keeps saying no one said getting older was like this, I don’t think she is enjoying her 70s as much as say her 20s :)

Alright, I am going out one more time with these dogs for a walk and then calling it quits – I want to finish my book!!!!  Ha ha ha ha ha.  Hope everyone has a great night!

A little love nip from Nickel :(
A little love nip from Nickel :(
Just Dime being Dime :)
Just Dime being Dime :)
Penny and Nickel playing!!
Penny and Nickel playing!!
New charm - Love it :)
New charm – Love it :)

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