Today I have 2 meetings, one at 08:00 and the other at 14:00 and then I leave to drive to Fairburn, Georgia – basically Atlanta. I am not really looking forward to it…
The first meeting went well and now I need to pack and put the rest of my laundry away. I think that Nickel knows I am going somewhere because my suitcase is out. He is hanging a little close by this morning
Alright, second meeting also went well, thought no one was going to join for a little bit but then like 40 people joined so that is good turnout. I am about to walk out the door, gotta say goodbye to the folks and the puppies
And 5 hours later I am in the hotel. Goodness!! Ran into just a little bit of rain but no real traffic so really it was smooth sailing, driving rather The lady gave me a room like with no other room around, which turns out to be pretty good because I am coughing like crazy. I hope I am not getting what mom had, but this stinks. I ate lunch really late on the drive so I am just gonna take these meds and get to bed!
I did not take a single picture today – what a bummer
Night all