Day 151 – Memorial Day

I never remember this much clarification needed around Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, and Armed Forces Day.  I was talking with my dad about it and it is interesting how times change where in WWII it seemed like men could not wait to join up for the service, so many lied about their ages to get in and get over to the fighting before it was over.  Then we have other wars where soldiers were not warmly welcomed home and treated very poorly.  Now we seem to be back on the side of supporting troops and being a fairly proud military country (maybe).  I live in a military town so my view is probably most definitely skewed.  Anyway, not to be too political or whatever, but I do appreciate what people have done for this country and continue to do.  I have been reading a lot about war and it is hard no matter how you look at it.  It isn’t good, that’s a no brainer.

Just got back not that long ago from the store.  Mom went with me, the first time she has really been out in a week.  She did pretty good, but I think she got tuckered out.  I got a couple pounds of shrimp and peeled them.  Not sure how much is left, they were very good :)  I ruined it by eating a piece of chocolate :(

I also got a couple backs of beer brats so that is what we are going to eat when Paul and Carlos get here.  I am going to take a break from this now though so I can get the house swept and hopefully mopped.  All swept and now waiting for the mop, but the boys just got here so maybe Carlos will mop :)

I am supposed to head out tomorrow afternoon for my next trip.  It is about 5 hours away and I am not supposed to leave until after 15:00.  I am sure that everything will be fine, just long – but it was such short notice I didn’t want to pay a huge price for a ticket.

I just got done with dinner, it turned out really great.  Beer Bratwurst with onions, mac and cheese, and baked beans :)  Yummy!!!

I am gonna go ahead and wrap it up.  Gotta play with those puppies and do some work stuff.

This is what work looks like :)
This is what work looks like :)
Carlos and Dime - so sweet!
Carlos and Dime – so sweet!
Carlos and Dime - give me a break :)
Carlos and Dime – give me a break :)


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