Day 149 – The Day of Glamor

Today was hair day :)  I stopped and grabbed some food for dinner and already had a compliment on the color.  I ALWAYS get compliments the day or day after I get it done.  I love it :)

So, yesterday I had something happen that really upset me.  A good friend of mine, a person I have relied on for their kindness and really lean on hurt my feelings.  It was a text where they were a bit short with me.  I really try hard not to put attitude on people’s written words, emails and texts, but that one really got to me.  I think it is because they are always so nice to me.  They did apologize and that made me feel a bit better, but still it hurt.  The reason why I am explaining this situation is because it is very important to be careful about how you word written things.

Anyway, enough of that :)  So my dad has always done crossword puzzles and he had some that were a bit easier so I was doing those in the morning when I was eating breakfast and now he has found me one from the paper that he things I should be able to do.  I am not good with them, especially like he is and it was funny because he basically did this whole puzzle in his head and decided it was for me :)  Funny stuff!!

I had to return my ring today because it had lost two diamonds already – I have had it a week…

I need to do a ton before I go out of town again.  I need to make sure that there is a plan for dinners for the folks and make sure someone can come on out and check on them.  Although I think that mom is feeling better than she has.  She may feel pretty much back to normal by Monday – who knows :)  Oh yeah, mom came home last night.  I can’t remember if I mentioned that in the blog yesterday.

OK, I am going to wrap this up because I am getting tired and want to grab me some ice cream :)

The hair - I would have taken a real selfie, but my eyebrows are basically orange :)
The hair – I would have taken a real selfie, but my eyebrows are basically orange :)

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