Day 126 – The Day I had to Pay the Troll Toll

Today was another day of training, this time in a city called Perrysburg, Ohio. I didn’t do anything but stay at the hotel on this one. I got there last night, ate at their restaurant, AMAZING quesadillas – wow, and went to bed. The meeting was there today and we had lunch there so no exploring at all. After the meeting was over I made my long trip back to Chicago. With the guidance that I should take the toll rode this time. I don’t normally bother with toll roads – it goes against my something, I don’t know I just don’t like them :)

Got to the hotel and checked in, then went to get food and drop off the rental car. Now I just finished up eating and watched my YouTube episodes and I am about to change into my PJs and get in the bed and turn on some Netflix :)

I really miss home and can’t wait to be back tomorrow even though it is for a short time. Missing the puppies like I would be missing a child – ugh :)

I did get a pic this morning of the executive lounge at the hotel – so fancy :)

Something strange that is bothering me from the long drive. I have noticed that I am clenching my teeth more than normal. My teeth actually hurt right now. I don’t know what it is. I might have to wear my retainer just to treat it like a grinding guard in hopes that will help. Luckily I will be going to the dentist next month for a check up and I can let her know. Also, a couple seem to be very sensitive. More than normal. The only reason I am concerned about either of these things is that the dogs have hit me in the mouth a couple times and really hurt me. I hope it hasn’t damaged anything.

Alright, I am going to wrap it up and I hope everyone had a good day and I will talk atcha tomorrow :)

Fancy exec lounge :)
Fancy exec lounge :)

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