Day 125 – A Cold Day in Ohio

It was like 48 degrees here today and rainy – BOOOOOOOO!!!   Had another good session today and traveling to the next hotel wasn’t that far.  I have been relaxing in the room for a couple hours now.  Wondering when I am going to get hungry enough to go across the street for some food :)  Or maybe I should just go down to the pub here and get food.  That sounds much better.

We went to a place called the Beer Bar (I think) and I had some deep dish pizza.  It was great.  I had said I wasn’t going to eat any pizza this trip, but I couldn’t pass it up and I split it with the guy next to me – who was amazing :)

No pictures today, you would think it wouldn’t be that hard to just snap something, but it is!

The new tennis balls I ordered for the puppies arrived at the house today – they should be very excited.   Mom said she had to lock my bedroom door and I thought it was because they had figured out how to open the doors now and she said she was just kidding!  I guess she gets some of her funniness from me :) ha ha ha ha

My friend made one of my recipes and she sent me pics, it looks great!  It was the Yummy Brownie Chocolate Chip Cheese Cake.  I asked her if everyone liked it, but I haven’t heard back – I am sure they did – unless she decides not to share it :)

There is a Panera near by, I think I might have to get up a little early and get some breakfast from there – it was been forever since I had it.  I think the last time was when the boys and I were in Washington DC.

Dad said they moved my old trailer yesterday.  The end of an era :)  That was my first place by myself and I owned it :)  Time flies when you are doing something – I forget, I’m old!!

I have the class tomorrow, then a long drive back to Chicago and then a long day of travel home.  My next trip starts in Sunday, Mother’s Day.  The good news there is that I don’t leave until later in the afternoon so I can spend some time with mom :)

Well, it’s 19:00 now so I guess I will go down and get something to eat, luckily I am having a typical travel appetite where I hardly eat :)  I should travel constantly!!!

I am gonna wrap it up because I don’t think I will have anything amazing to add tonight.  Goodnight and sweet dreams :)

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