Day 124 – The Day I Traveled in 3 States

Today I had a training session in the morning in Calumet City, Illinois and then I drove through Indiana and ended up in Findlay, Ohio! I would say that second to Florida I have driven more in Indiana then any other state!! A couple years back I had done some training for the Indiana Rail Road and on that same trip did training for the Louisville and Indiana Railroad. I ended up driving between them and saw some very nice country. This trip today was about 5 hours and not as interesting, mostly straight interstate type roads.

I did however, see a windmill farm, is that what it is called – I don’t know but I am pretty sure that was the first time I have ever seen that in real life. Did have to pull over to get some pics. Also, all the fields were bare and no real farming happening so that made it a little dull too.

I am super glad I got the rental car I did – it was really nice driving over here. Tomorrow afternoon the drive is not very long, I think like 45 minutes but Thursday night I have to go all the way back to Chicago.

I grabbed me some Subway for dinner, it was very good :) That happens to be what we had for lunch too. That was not as good – the platters never are :)

I miss my folks and I miss those sweet sweet puppies :) I called and asked how they were. My mom said that my brother Carlos came over and played with them until they couldn’t play anymore!! Makes me very happy :) I think I left them with 1 tennis ball and dad said he found about 6 around the woods – ha ha ha!

Alright, I am still a little bit snotty from flying so I am going to try to get some sleep – didn’t sleep too well last night – SHOCKING I know :)

In honor of my friend Chris, since I drove through his town today – SEE YA!!!!

Windmill Farm - taken with the Moment Wide Lens
Windmill Farm – taken with the Moment Wide Lens

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