Day 122 – The Day the House was a Sandbox

Again, again the puppies came back from an adventure covered in sand…  They probably weigh a good 2 extra pounds from all the sand – it is just so so very much.  Amazing!

So this morning I am doing laundry and then around noon I am going to head to the grocery store and pick up stuff to make spaghetti sauce :)  My mom keeps wanting it so I said I would make it today.  Here is a link to the recipe – Yummy Spaghetti Sauce

I finished all my laundry and packing – I am ready to go :) I am going to jump in the shower and get ready for bed.

I have all my devices on charge and all my meds in the bag. I need to go grab my coffee cup here in a sec to make sure I don’t forget it.

Just remembered I didn’t reserve a car – guess I better do that. Also need to make a couple more hotel reservations. UGH!! OK, all done with that now :)

Gonna go play with the puppies one last time for a whole week :( I am so sad. By the way, I think we started with 17 tennis balls. I currently have 3 in the bucket… Not sure how that happened.

Goodnight all :)

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