Day 119 – The Day of Batteries

My sister is selling my old mobile home and they needed the Blazer moved and the wheels were locked up so we really needed to start it to get it to move. My dad and I went over there to change the battery and we got it moved – I think he was a little surprised, but I don’t know what we would have done if it didn’t start.

I also had to grab the AC out of the window for Carlos. That little guy was a bit heavy :)

Work had some challenges today, but just kept pushing through them. I think I will go ahead and work from home tomorrow again because my mom is still pretty bad off. She ate very little today and is still pretty weak.

I made flight arrangements for the next trip, I am out next week and then the following week as well. I am going to be traveling so much in these two weeks – should be a different hotel every night on both! I haven’t done that in a long time.

I changed my bed sheets tonight – which includes the cover blanked – to a brand new one I got – I love it :)

I am going to be playing with the puppies soon to tire them out. I tried very hard to keep them awake today so that they will be tired when it is bed time.

I want to have a picture on every post so that it looks a little more interesting on Facebook. I am not trying to make them all pictures of the puppies, but so far that has been the case. So enjoy :)


It makes me crazy that she lays here, but she loves it :)
It makes me crazy that she lays here, but she loves it :)

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