Day 109 – The Day of Realization

So, ever since November I have been steadily gaining weight. I was down to 143 and now I have skyrocketed up to 195…

I have been thinking of little else since Thursday to be honest. I am not happy about it, I am a little disappointed in it and most of all I am now motivated once again to get back to it. I have been taking medications that have been messing with my appetite and I think I am on the right stuff now. I have plenty of personal training sessions piled up to see someone 3 times a week for a while and that is just what I am going to do. I want to start at home on the treadmill to prevent burning out too quickly at the gym, but no later than the middle of May I should be getting to it!

Update: Regardless of which is right, my scale says I gained 40 pounds and not 50. Good news for me I guess.

Today was pretty good at work, we had a little bit of an issue to resolve this morning as soon as I got in, but I think we got it worked out now. The only bad thing about the day is that my friend at work has taken a new job and she won’t be there anymore. It is good for her though so that makes me happy :)

I got home to the puppies making a beeline to the gate. Luckily I was though and had it closed before they got there. Then they proceeded to herd me all the way to the house. Once I open my door, the heavy girl Penny jumped in my lap. She weighs 50 pounds I think.

I was supposed to stop at Publix and pick up something for dinner, but I was on the phone and passed right by it. Because of this new road they are building I would have had to go like 5 miles out of my way to go back I decided we could find something here to eat :)

I ordered new lens for my phone and they came today. I can’t wait to try them all out, should be very nice!! Now if I could just remember to post some pictures on here that would be great!!! So, let’s catch up!!

Dime chewing on mom's chair - oh well :(
Dime chewing on mom’s chair – oh well :(
The new TV, Nickel played so much he was recharging :)
The new TV, Nickel played so much he was recharging :)
Saying goodbye to my car :( This really did make me a little sad.
Saying goodbye to my car :( This really did make me a little sad.

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