Day 105 – The Day of Stuffs!

I got all kinds of stuffs today!!!!!! I picked up my new TV and my speakers were delivered :) I got my new flip flops, dog toy, clock, and bed sheets!!!

I had a couple doctor appointments and had to run by my other office to reset my work password. I never go there so it was nice to see it again. It has changed an amazing amount over there, new people have moved into the complex and across the street there are a couple of housing developments going up. Crazy growth in the area.

I played with the puppies, got a little more exercise today because it was a little cooler out and now they are recharging. I played in the dark once, they have no issues with it, but I can’t see what I am doing. I just need them to be so tired they SLEEP!!!

Well my mom isn’t feeling better yet. She isn’t horrible, like she doesn’t have a fever or anything, she just sounds horrible and has a bad cough. We will see if she feels better tomorrow afternoon, if not I am not sure what she will want to do, maybe go to the doctor again or something.

Completely off the wall here, but I downloaded a ton of pictures to use as desktop wallpapers and now I have them cycling and it just makes me so happy :) I have so many and they are mostly city pictures, makes me wanna travel!

Also, I have been having the craziest dreams lately. They are so strange it is a little hard for me to remember them, but I remember enough to know it is strange but can’t explain it to anyone. Not sure how many people remember their dreams, but I almost always have some clue as to what mine were about.

Alright, it is getting kinda late and now I am going to get some sleep :)

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