Day 103 – The Day of Dark Skies

Today was so gloomy all day long. Downtown I think it was worse then at home, when I got to my office and looked out the window it was so dark. But, so far the rain has held off. I am going to walk with my friend here in a couple minutes and hopefully we don’t get rained on, that would not for a nice walk make :)

I talked to my favorite user today! It’s funny how that comes about. Everyone is usually nice, especially since they are calling you because they are having issues, but it is always nice to hear a pleasant voice or just someone who is so nice on the phone. This user is both, I like his voice and he is super nice. He isn’t the only one, there are several :)

Anyway, there was some parade downtown today, didn’t see it, but saw that there were some road closures. Luckily that kind of stuff doesn’t ever have an impact on my drive home.

I ordered a wireless charging thing for my phone to see if it will work well. I think this might be a better solution for the folks then the mag safe adapter I had for them. It keeps being finicky with my dad’s phone and I have to play with it to get it to work. I am just concerned about it working through the cases. My camera case on my phone is kinda thick and he has an otter box. We will see :)

Time to walk, will hopefully get back to this this evening – should provide an update on how my mom is feeling, she went to the doctor this afternoon, hopefully she does not have something serious like pneumonia.

So good news is that she had not got pneumonia, she just got like normal antibiotics so hopefully she is all better in 7 days!!!!!

I got some pizza for dinner and also stopped by the pet store to get Penny her very own harness. Her’s is fluorescent pink a where Dime and Nickel’s are yellow! She has to be her own special :) I like having them in harnesses when we take them out rather than just the collar.

I am watching my YouTubes and then I am going just relax and let my brain chill :) I know, you probably think that I am normally letting my brain chill, but I promise I am always using it!!!

Alright, SEE YA :)

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