Day 102 – The Day of Sickness :(

Well, I was supposed to go out of town for work today, just Savannah, but I really didn’t want to leave my mom home alone because she didn’t feel well at all since last night. Leaving her here with the dogs is bad enough when she feels good :)

I took Nickel with me to grab some food for dinner and he got sick in the car :( I felt bad for him, but good for me that I had put the seat protector so when I got home I just hosed it off and all was good.

We are having an awful lot of ticks around here this year. I have pulled like 3 off of me, they were just walking, not attached and pulled 2 off of mom that were attached. We have been giving the dogs what I would call a very good flea and tick medicine, but that doesn’t seem to keep them out of the house. Country life I suppose.

I can’t remember if I had mentioned it, but I almost have my room completely done. I need to go through a bunch of stuff and get rid of what I don’t need, but other than that I have all the furniture out that doesn’t belong. Well, except for the temporary desk I am using. But my desk is getting very close to being done. I am still working on how I will actually attach it, but I have a ton of sanding still to do. Then I need to figure out how to finish it, if I am actually going to use finish or glass. I am really leaning towards some glass, but not covering the whole table, but just like the working area. Also, I haven’t decided how long to keep the desk. Right now it is 6′ long and like little less than 3′ wide. That is a big desk. I just need to make sure cause you can’t really glue it back on :)

Just got done playing with the puppies. They love it :)

Alright – gonna watch some tv and go to bed :)

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