Day 34 – A Day In-Diana

I have been at the airport in Evansville Indiana for about 5 hours now.  I can assure you that it is about 5 hours too long!!!!  In reality it could be worse.  They have free wifi and a really nice sitting area –  I have been lounging on the couch type thing for a couple hours now.  I just am anxious to get home.  I am starting to feel a headache coming on and my nose hurts a bit.  I can tell the flight from ATL to JAX is going to be a hard one.  Thankfully it is short.

I spent the morning lounging around the hotel and helping a couple people on the phone and then dove the hour to the airport and helped a couple more people and now am doing this :)

I have slept pretty good the last couple of days and I sure hope that continues.

I really have nothing worth noting today, not that I normally do :)

It got pretty cold here today, the wind was just non stop.  I really think if the wind had died down it would have been a little bit nicer.

Alright, going to pack up the laptop and just relax!!

Day 33 – The Darkest Day

It is so yucky weather wise today!  It is so dark out I thought it was closer to dinner time, but no it’s only 15:30!!  I just looked at my phone and see we have a tornado warning!  Amazing – just what everyone needs I am sure.

I worked in the hotel today and went out to Applebee’s for lunch with the test engineer Ricardo.  He is very nice and we talked about a lot of work type things and it was good.  He ended up being the last person to leave the meeting today and I helped him with a bunch of stuff in the program so that was a great session.

The person who I was helping a lot yesterday from Maintenance came over this morning and brought me muffins!  It was so nice and no one had done that for me before so I was very happy!  I ate one that was like apple pie style and then saved blueberry one for tomorrow.  The hotel here actually has very good muffins itself, but I am sure this one is very good too.

I had so many packages come in the last couple days it is going to be too much when I get home :)  My new bed will be here Thursday so I will be spending the weekend putting that together and moving stuff all around.

Alright, I am going to snack on the rest of my lunch and just veg.  Maybe I will get sleepy and be able to fall asleep here soon and get lots more sleep!!!

Day 32 – The Day of Railroad

So today we were at the cutover and it was so very cold!!!  We stood at this crossing waiting to do our part for so long I was getting so very cold so I sat in the truck most of the time but at least I was able to get some other work done.  Once we finished with that crossing I was dropped off at the yard office to help a couple of the maintenance people with their stuff.  We got lots accomplished, so even though I missed a lot of cutover stuff we still got a lot done.

We had pizza for lunch which makes 3 meals in a row of pizza for me – I think I am officially pizza-ed out :)

I am back at the hotel now and am going to try to get some good sleep.  I feel very tired so I am going to pounce on that :)

Day 31 – The Day of Mistakes…

It has been one of those days today!!!

  1. First off this morning, I set my alarm to be up at 04:45 to make my flight and I get awaken by the puppy and not the alarm.  Turns out I set the alarm for a weekday!
  2. I forgot to give Nickel his pain meds.
  3. I forgot that I was checking 2 bags and not 1.
  4. I made hotel reservations for not enough nights.
  5. I made car reservations for not enough days.
  6. I forgot that I  checked 2 bags (again) until I was half way to my hotel – so 30 minutes away.
  7. I almost killed myself in the elevator, they mopped and left it soaking wet.
  8. I just spilled an entire drink.

Now I am sitting in bed because this day has been too much!!

On the plus side, I wasn’t late to the airport and I had an amazing blue berry muffin and when we landed in Atlanta, it had to be the softest landing I have ever experienced.  Then in Atlanta I got my Starbucks and I had me another amazing blueberry muffin – I think better than the first but really only because she heated it up!!  It was so yummy :)

I got a nice rental car, very little miles and was very clean :)  I just finished up me some pizza and it was yummy so all in all it has balanced out I would say :)

Well, like I said I am going to just relax for a bit, try to catch a nap and stay safe :)

Day 22 – The Day That Was Delayed

I am currently sitting in the Indianapolis airport waiting for my flight to leave.  It was delayed about a half hour and we are now scheduled to leave in about 40 minutes.  This delay meant that I was going to miss my connection in Atlanta so I had to push that one back until 18:00.  I should have been leaving there at 14:45.  Not a huge deal, I just want to get home today :)

I FaceTimed with my mom for the first time today!  I think she really thought it was cool!

No snow here today, the delay was actually an issue with the plane so that is a good sign.  At the airport here they are running exercises, or were at least, with the bomb dog and I got all kinds of sniffed several times!  I was just happy he didn’t get slobber on me :)

OK, I am going to look online for stuff while I wait for this flight, just wanted to go ahead and get this started for the day!!

I finally made it home at 21:30!!  So happy to be home and those puppies were so happy to see me :)

I had a ton of packages waiting on me and tomorrow I am going to deal with them all – I hope :)

Day 21 – The Day of Laying in Bed!

Today was an off day so I have been basically in the bed all day!  Not sleeping or anything, just playing on the internet and watching TV and doing nothing constructive, but managed to spend a good bit of money on clothes – oops :)

I think I have decided that I would like a new bedroom set.  The good news is that what I want is not terribly expensive and I think I can sell mine for a good bit.  I love mine, don’t get me wrong, but I absolutely HATE how disgusting under the bed gets!  The bed I am thinking about it a platform bed that is very very low to the ground.  You would not be able to put anything under it and more importantly see under it.  Also, I am not liking how high my bed is with the dogs jumping off of it.  It is gonna be too hard on them.

I had lots of decoration stuff delivered this week so I am very excited to get home and see how it can be put up.  It should be very fun and I hope looks nice and functions like I need!

I found out today that I will need to be out again on from February 2 – 4.  This time in a place called Madisonville, Kentucky.  Hopefully it doesn’t snow too bad because it is like an hours drive from the airport and I really don’t want to try that for the first time :)

Alright, well I am going to get back to watching TV and playing around!  At some point I will have to eat, but I will play that by ear :)

Day 20 – A White Day and A Night at The Library

It snowed last night!!!  Like enough to have a good couple inches on the ground.  I woke up about 05:00 this morning to the hotel people shoveling the sidewalk…

Today was the last day of the training sessions and I was happy it was over!  Not because anyone was ugly or anything but because I have now completed 18 sessions in 3 weeks of the exact same material – that twice a day too.  Alex was a huge help especially since we got a new release of software while we were here.  That means he was able to write down all the issues while I continued through the training.

Tonight we are going to go out for dinner, we have been eating in the hotel all week.

We went to dinner at a place called The Library.  It was alright food, not anything amazing, but it was close and not the hotel so that was good enough!  It was super cute, they gave you the check in a library book – WHAT!!!!!!   Ha ha, I was impressed :)

I played in the snow for just a bit outside the restaurant, nothing crazy.  It was so soft, just powder.  When we got back to the hotel the group was playing bingo.  They were paying quiet bingo because they had already been complained about from other guests.  Outside the hotel I was trying to play with the snow except here it was all hard!  Could have killed myself :)


Day 19 – A Day for Blueberry Muffins and Starbucks

The hotel here has a mini Starbucks in it – so not the full blown menu but the lady made me a white mocha and it wasn’t perfect, but sure was good!!  Then for breakfast they had muffins out and I had an amazing blueberry muffin!!  Overall a great start to the morning.

Todays classes went very well too even if they did shut down the test environment on me!  We got through it and they got it back working before the last class started.

Tonight Alex and I ate at the hotel again, but this time they had a mexican buffet and it was pretty good.  I had the same thing back when I was here for a meeting I think in May.  It was good then too!!

I think it is supposed to snow tomorrow and I am kinda excited.  I haven’t seen snow in a while – well at least not a good bit of it.

Oh yeah and the lunch was very good today too.  I think this is probably the best of the three, but mainly because it seems like southern food.  We had fried chicken yesterday and today it was meatloaf.

Well, another day done and one more to go.  I am going to wrap it up and try to get some sleep!!

Day 18 – The Day Where Everything Was Frozen

It is amazingly cold here in Indianapolis.  I am kinda shocked!  I think with the wind chill it ended up being -3 degrees and while I did not actually go outside today I had to walk by the door a couple times and the air coming in was enough :)

Todays class went really well so that makes me happy.  I have 4 more to do and then we are done!  I did do something very stupid today, I deleted or marked for deletion stuff in the production environment thinking I was in the testing environment :(  Well you can’t dwell on it, gotta fix it and move on!

Alex and I ate here at the hotel for dinner – burger and fries, again for me.  It was pretty good and the prices here seem reasonable to me.

As usual I am going to try to get to bed early, but I am not having much hope in falling asleep anytime soon.

Day 17 – Racing to Indy!!

Today I am heading to Indianapolis for the last of the January trips.  They have all gone so good I am sure this one will be no different.   I have another long layover here in Atlanta which I have not had in a while, with the exception of last Friday and today.  Crazy how I am used to very short time and I am just not sure what to do with myself :)

I think I mentioned this yesterday, but I am so happy Paul helped me fix whatever I had screwed up with the website!  When you hold him captive, he does amazing things :)

I read a whole bunch of my book on the first flight, I was in the middle seat so I needed to stay focused on something.  It’s not that I didn’t have enough room, just for some reason I am always a little uneasy in the middle seat.  The Atlanta flight is the only one I would volunteer for that seat for sure!

I walked down to another concourse to get me some Starbucks.  I have been yawning all morning I wish I could go to sleep at a decent hour.  I think I am going to grab some food as soon as I get to the hotel and then go right to bed.  No technology in bed either!  Except my Netflix :)

Alright, I am gonna look at some organization stuff for my room and I will check back in this evening when I get to the room.  I know my dad is reading this every day so hello dad!!!!

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