Day 167 – The Last Day

Today is the last day for training here in Indianapolis. I am finished with the morning class and as soon as I finish the afternoon one I will be off on the road trip :)

I got me some coffee this morning, they do pretty good here – almost like a real Starbucks. I am about to grab me another muffin!!!

Oh, last night I finished my book, The Hidden White House: Harry Truman and the Reconstruction of America’s Most Famous Residence!! It was very good. I wish it had more pictures, but those are easy enough to google. Very good book!

I have like a 3.5 hour drive this afternoon so I am hoping to get out of here before 14:00. I really don’t wanna be on the road in the dark, but it has actually been very light here until like 21:00. Must be a Yankee thing :) ha ha ha.

Just after I get done raving about the food here and lunch was a real miss… It was just not great. oh well, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad :)

I have just one more demo to give and then hitting the road. Gonna meet one of the managers at the hotel and then we will go get this location straightened out. I will talk more about it tomorrow, but where I am going today is one of the first real big projects I ever worked on in the railroad. Memories :)

Made it to Findlay!! Going to go out to dinner with the manager here and then going to go to bed! I am still feeling a bit bad, nowhere near as bad as the beginning of the week, but the drive did feel very long.

Alright, we had some seafood which was very good. I have had crab cakes more in these last couple months then ever! Very good though. Going to bed – goodnight :)

Cool church by where we ate.
Cool church by where we ate.
Bobby photo bomb!
Bobby photo bomb!
Where we ate, Bru Burger - very good.
Where we ate, Bru Burger – very good.
Dancing girl - should have done video very random.
Dancing girl – should have done video very random.

Day 166 – The Day the Website Was Down

So the website has been down for a while now. I am writing this on Wednesday so it’s a bit of a recap :)

Yesterday the classes went well. I am still not feeling great – very snotty. I think I am going to grab some over the counter stuff tonight to help dry out.

This hotel has good food – probably the best from any like buffet that I have had. We had meatloaf, yummy.

We went to a place called Bru Burger Pub – really good burger. It was so good I was so stuffed, but I wanted to finish it! It was downtown and Indy has a nice downtown :)

Paul and Samantha went to the house today so that is nice. The parents lost the remote and Samantha found it. I was just happy that Nickel didn’t get it again :)

Alright, gonna start today’s blog :)

Day 165 – Day of Training 1!

This morning was a bit hard to get moving. I have wrecked my lips by being a mouth breather and my nose is killing me with these harsh tissues! I am in the class now, they are working on something else. The talk went well this morning, have another one this afternoon. I don’t suspect I will have very many questions but we will see.

They have really good muffins here :) I had 2 :)

I did my expenses from the beginning of the year – we will see if I can get paid for them. I can see them being upset with me for not turning them in during the month they were for.

I am kinda just waiting on lunch :)

Lunch was really good. This hotel, the Crown Plaza at the airport, really does good work on the food offered – snacks and meals. I guess CSX does a lot of business here and I can see why.

I finished my afternoon session and it went really well. Had a bit more interest with this group :)

My co-workers are going out for dinner, I am so unsure if I want to go. I feel bad and want to go to sleep – ugh! I just don’t know. I was able to make my flight changes to come home on Friday and so I will be leaving here and driving to Fostoria Wednesday and then leaving out of Detroit that night. Lots of travel, but the flight home is direct and I am so happy I just can’t stand it :)

Day 164 – The Travel Day

Today is a travel day to Indianapolis, IN. My flight leaves at like 11:45 so I am off to the airport!!

Well, the first flight went alright. My ears didn’t really wanna pop, but I was able to airplane sleep so that was nice. I am sitting in Atlanta now and just waiting for my next flight. I have a bit of time so I am just relaxing.

Sitting in my hotel now – whew, that was a long day of traveling. Not really but being sick has drained me. I stopped at a Subway on the way here and got me a sandwich and I am going to finish it up and go to sleep!

So, I fell asleep last night before I could post this :) I didn’t get any pics from yesterday so I will make a point to do it today!