Day 15 – A Day of Ports of the Air

I an currently sitting in the Baltimore Washington airport waiting on my flight to Atlanta. This airport is alright, but I really dislike when the terminals all have their own TSA screening because the damn Starbucks is not in my terminal and I would have had to go through it twice and the would not have let me keep my coffee!

I was on the phone most of the morning with a user, and friend, I was helping with the program I am teaching. We got it all done, but sometimes it takes creative thinking :)

I went down to the lobby of the hotel in hopes of getting some kind of breakfast and they did have some muffins, which are totally fine, but I was expecting blueberry and got cranberry instead. I HATE cranberry, they are so tart! But I was able to get most of them out. Now I grabbed a banana from the shop here so that will hold me over until I get home. I hope I have enough time in Atlanta to get coffee, otherwise I am going to have wait until Jacksonville.

I won’t actually get home I think until after 18:00 today. I am very excited to see mom and dad and those stinking puppies :) I am also very excited to see if my idea for my desk will work. I may be able to get that done this month!!

I am listening to Adele – she is so great and even thought I can’t sing I really want to sing along :) People would probably think I was a little crazy if I started singing Rolling in the Deep!!!

Alright, I am going to just relax here and continue listening to my music :)


In Atlanta now – just got some lunch and now for a couple hour layover. I love how I finally get some place where I can get a coffee and now I don’t want it :( Oh well, that is probably better for me anyway!

I am very happy that Atlanta now has free wifi. I am not sure when that happened but it sure is nice :) They always had such poor cellular coverage in the terminals and even that seems to be better now. Or maybe it’s my super awesome phone!!

I am still very excited to be home!! I want to hug those puppies!

Day 14 – The Hotel Life

Today I am going to spend the whole day in the hotel! I am in bed right now and have been all morning. I have got to get some sleep and I am just going to try to nap throughout the day. I ordered some pizza to be delivered in about a half hour so just in time for lunch.

I have been looking for ideas on finishing my desk the best way and I think I have it. I am going to use the piping that I used on my new shelf that way I think I can get the top perfectly level and also be able to incorporate lighting and shelves above the desk. I am getting very excited about this and hope I can make it happen with what we have already done with the desk. More importantly I think it will be strong enough to hold it up.

I am going to head down to the lobby to get my pizza but will write more later I am sure.

Day 13 – The Last Days of the East

So today is the last day of training for the eastern region. It has gone really good so far and I am happy with the level of participation and how well everyone is picking up on the program.

With all that said I a so tired today. This is proving to be pretty taxing on me and it doesn’t help that I am still not sleeping. Tomorrow I will be able to relax a little bit.

I had dinner here at the hotel tonight, just a burger and fries and some chocolate cake for dessert :) It was all pretty good. Talk about good dessert, the lunch we had today was really good and they had some amazing tiramisu. I have really been craving some coffee this week, but because I didn’t rent a car there isn’t much I can do about it!

Everyone here is going a little bananas over this powerball being a billion dollars. It is crazy but I still can’t bring myself to get a ticket – I have no idea why. I can sure think of all the things I would do with it that’s for sure :)

Day 12 – Pizza and Beer!!

Well, pizza and Coke not beer :)

Had my what has turned into weekly pizza for dinner. Was supposed to go over and play bingo with the guys but decided to call it an early night. Which for me lately does not equal an early bed time. I have been sleeping so poorly it is crazy.

Supposedly it snowed here today – I went outside and didn’t see it but right now it is crazy windy. Hope there is no tornado!

Had a good training session today. I tried to go in late and get some sleep but that didn’t work. I didn’t have to go down in the morning but I wasn’t able to sleep much more.

Tomorrow is the last class this week but I am here until Friday just to make sure no one has any issues. That reminds me, I have got to ,are sure they keep my room for me for another day.

These trips have gone so well that I really wish we could do the same thing for the maintenance side. The group I am working with now is construction. Every group has been great!!

Alright I am gonna call it quits for the night – goodnight!!

Day 11 – The Day of the Three C’s!!

Well not quite 3 C’s but it’s better than 3 K’s!! So that would be Crab Cakes, Coconut Oil, and Kit Kat – ha ha ha!!!!

Had dinner at a place called the Olive Grove and had crab cakes and Alfredo. That’s two dishes, the crab cakes were appetizers so just a little bit of that. Went with a bunch of the managers here in the East, as always everyone is super nice.

I needed to pick up my prescriptions tonight and like 6 people offered to take me. So very nice! Just like in Beckley I went to the wrong Walgreens first! Just like In WV the person who took me wasn’t too upset :)

Alright I am exhausted, didn’t sleep well last night and was yawning all day so I am gonna go to bed!!

Day 10 – Oil from a Coconut

I am about to leave the house to travel to Baltimore for work. I have the same sort of schedule as last week where I am doing 6 training classes over 3 days.

I have a huge tub of coconut oil that I currently use exclusively for my hands and face, although you can use it for almost anything. I got enough to mess around with it and see if some of the uses work for me, but I haven’t done anything yet :) Story of my life I suppose!

I originally was going to wear just jeans for this training, but I decided to pack slacks in case I feel underdressed. I don’t mind wearing the nicer clothes but I kinda want to wear jeans when it’s cold out I guess. Who knows :)

I am not sure if the person going with me synced up flights with me, not that it is a big deal. We are staying near the airport so I don’t have to rent a car or anything. I do really need to order a prescription – which is close to the hotel – maybe the shuttle will take me or someone there will. I should have already had it filled, but I didn’t pay attention to how low I was on my pills :) The struggle is real!!!!

Alright I am going to finish getting ready and head on out.