Day 146 – The Day That Ended at the REDI

This morning we had a bit of a drive to Calhoun, Georgia. Out meeting was in a historic depot that has been repurposed into a county meeting hall. It was nice and there was lots of space for sure. The good / bad thing about being at old depots is that for the most part trains still run very close to them so it was, only at times, noisy :)

I stayed behind with the IT guys because we couldn’t get one guy working smoothly so by the time we did finish it was lunch time. We ate with them at a local Mexican place and it was pretty good. After that started the long drive back to Atlanta to the REDI Center. We needed to stop there to chat with a couple people and do some things.

We left there and dropped another co-worker off to get a rental car and then they took me to – wait for it – PANDA EXPRESS!!!!!! I was so happy, but to be honest, the food was not as good as the one at home, but still good :)

Update: I lost my connection to the website last night so I am unsure what else I had to say :)  Oh, I think I had an update on mom there, here we go :)

Mom Update: Mom was not released from the hospital yesterday and that is OK because she wasn’t feeling well still, I should say she was OK with it.

Alright, here are some pictures, enjoy :)

The meeting spot.
The meeting spot.
The meeting spot.
The meeting spot.
A display in the REDI.
A display in the REDI.

Day 145 – The Day That I Knew Where to Go!!

This morning we had some Waffle House!!! True Alabama style :) I am sitting at the first location waiting for the folks to get here so we can start. I think there was some confusion about when we needed the material – I should say when the people I am with need their stuff, I am just here to help with the program.

We have a bit of a drive this afternoon and I will catch back up then :)

Alright, made it to the next place, and I have actually been here before!!  I know all these folks :)  We are in Birmingham, Alabama.  We leave here and are staying the night in Atlanta and then have a bit of a drive tomorrow.  I think we will eat good tonight so I am looking forward to that!

We had lunch with a couple of the folks from that office and made the much longer than expected trip to Atlanta.  My co-worker was going to a gym class right away so I decided to just grab some food from the hotel.  Big mistake :(  But really it was more my fault.  I got a roast beef sandwich and forgot to say no horseradish so it was disgusting!!  The fries were good :)

Now I am going to get to bed!

Hotel checkin - interesting decor.
Hotel checkin – interesting decor.
Lobby of the hotel.
Lobby of the hotel.
View down Commerce St.
View down Commerce St.
Where we had dinner - Wintzells Oyster House.
Where we had dinner – Wintzells Oyster House.
Inside of Wintzells Oyster House.
Inside of Wintzells Oyster House.
Just closer detail
Just closer detail
Closer detail.
Closer detail.
This was a dry goods warehouse, but now a law firm.  Downtown Montgomery
This was a dry goods warehouse, but now a law firm. Downtown Montgomery

Atlanta Division – 05/2016 Photo Gallery


Day 144 – The Day We Parked on I-65

This morning our work location was very close to where we stayed so that was nice, but there was like nothing to grab some food that early. I had a banana and a Mt. Dew – healthy I know :)

The IT group did their thing great and I was making us stay trying to help a couple of the guys. But we got out of there and drove for a bit before we got food. I think Denise was about to agree to eat at a gas station she was so hungry.

After we got back on the road there was some construction she was warned about from the guys and she was asking if we should go around or risk it. I said go around, but “Bobby Taylor” said to give it a try… About an hour later we were finally out of the parking lot of construction. He said, you win some and you lose some :)

We are staying at this amazing hotel here in Montgomery. I have a great room on the 9th floor. We are going to take a little walk to grab some dinner here in a bit. Everyone was saying there are tons of good places, plus they have been here before. Alright, more to come later :)

Just got back from dinner, went to an oyster bar, YUCK! But I had fried shrimp and a brownie :) We just walked down the street a little bit so that was nice. Lots of little things right around the hotel. Will post pictures from that tomorrow, too tired to do it tonight :) Bye!!

Railroad bridge in Mobile, AL.
The nice room.
The view from the nice room.

Day 143 – The Day I Went to Mobile

I am getting my laundry all done for my trip this evening. I am watching my puppies be so sweet, they are going to make me miss them more!

My mom is not feeling well again. I am going to blame it on these meal replacement drinks she has been trying to drink because they were already expired and the company wouldn’t take them back. I told her not to do it and others did too, but she said, it tastes fine. Ummmmmmmmmm. I do hope she feels better very soon. I don’t like leaving like this, but there will be a couple people around while I am gone and if I need to come home, I will.

I am going to leave here around 16:00, Carlos is coming to take me and Paul is going to pick me up so I don’t have to leave my car at the airport. That reminds me I need to put up my sunshade before I leave.

So, I am writing this on Monday because yesterday evening got a little something. When I left yesterday mom was not feeling great, but she didn’t say anything like cancel your trip. I thought she was a little bit better than she was apparently. When I get to Atlanta I call my sister and she is very concerned about her and wants to take her to the ER. I tell her to call Paul and see if he can come over and stay the night with her because I thought he would be able to take off work on Monday if needed.

When I got to Mobile I called Paul and he said that she did go to the hospital and got admitted thinking that she had pneumonia. I didn’t get to the hotel until like 23:00 so it was pretty late. Luckily this trip we are staying pretty close to airports that I can likely get home in a hurry if I need to. I don’t like being away like this.

I think he is gonna miss me :)
I think he is gonna miss me :)
JAX, like a second home :)
JAX, like a second home :)
Mobile Airport - pretty cool.
Mobile Airport – pretty cool.