4. Walking Together

So this one seems a little silly, but it makes me happy when the person you are with doesn’t leave you in the dust as you are walking into a place or just walking around.  My last boyfriend would often leave me behind – I am short, I can’t keep your crazy pace all the time, slow down so I don’t feel like a child or that you are not with me!!!

Anyway, to me it shows that they want you next to them, right by their side and not like you are tagging along.

3. Vacations

I realize that traveling for vacation makes me very happy.  I like going new places and I like to share those experiences with special people.  I want to find the local places to eat or cool things to see, it is very exciting.  It doesn’t have to be anyplace crazy, but one day I do want to travel to Europe, but I would hate to do that with someone who wasn’t going to stick around – I don’t ever want bad memories around something as special as that.

2. Love Notes


Now I know this one ins’t possible really by myself, but it will be something I look for in a new relationship.  Love notes or sweet notes that are hand written and hidden so that I can find them when I don’t expect to.

I enjoy doing this as well, it’s not just one sided.  I love the idea of writing someone something sweet and them finding it in the middle of the day, maybe a stressful day – it doesn’t even have to be the day I wrote it.  It is such a nice feeling.

I was going to edit this post because it reminds me of my ex, but rather than do that I am just going to add that they must be truthful notes – so if you don’t love someone yet, don’t write love you.  If you don’t think someone is AMAZING – don’t write that – just be honest :)

1. Going to the Movies

Going to the movies makes me happy!  It seems like I never go enough lately, but I used to go all the time.  I know it is expensive now, but it is worth it to me.  My main problem now with going to the movies is that I don’t like to go alone.  SO finding someone who wants to go will be a challenge, but this is one of those things that makes me happy that I will have to bring back to my life.