I got my hair done today and it looks AMAZING!!!!!! The salon often has new stylists there and today I say a new group and they always love what Charlotte does with my hair. They were loving on it for real. It looks more amazing than usual. I don’t know what it is but it is so bright and the highlights are popping
I am going to start an LLC. I have been wanting to do this for a little while, but I am not really sure why. I don’t really need to do it for my new big adventure but I think I am going to use it as my excuse
I just tried to play with the puppies, but it didn’t last long. I took 3 tennis balls outside, but Nickel managed to lose them ALL! He has to be the boss, he has to get every ball and if I don’t throw his far enough away then he goes after it too. So had to come back in. Just now he decides to come stick his face right by my desk and start whining. Guess we will go out again. And again they don’t really wanna play. I think it is just too hot. So many people were commenting on it.
I am gonna go get me some nice cold water, probably should make sure that the dogs also have some
I am sitting here sweating so bad because I have been out running the dogs and it is HOT!!!!!! OK, today – I started with a project this morning of converting a document to PDF and then I had to do a couple other things to that. So not only did Word kick my butt, but so did Adobe after I finally got it done.
We had some kind of microwave dinner and it was alright but not AMAZING. I am wanting some Panda Express because it has been a while – you know!!
I think I have won them out properly – or the heat has at least. I am ready to take a shower I am so sticky and YUCK.
Today I found a picture of the derail that happened at Fostoria, the place I was last week. It is not great because it is a derail, but it shows how crazy that place is.
I have a hair appointment tomorrow and that makes me very happy I also need to do other things at the mall so yeah!
Just went for another walk – it is after 8pm, I am going to take a shower and call the day DONE
Well, it didn’t take long to get this worked out I am going to contract with a local company so that I can keep on my project. I am going to use 1099 so now I need to read up on that to make sure I don’t mess up I did a little bit to determine the rate I needed, but not total research. I am so very excited!!
My work meeting got cancelled for today and rescheduled for Monday. Tomorrow I have an early meeting and then another in the afternoon. Good way to finish out the week.
I need to get something to eat. I am about cereal-ed out! Gotta see what we got
We ended up having some pizza – I know how original But it wasn’t the kind we normally get and not that great.
I, of course, played with the dogs a million times. Here are some pics of the puppies playing – we also go for “walks” (I think I might have mentioned this before) – basically we walk to the gate and they run through the woods and we come back. They are so silly
I am on my way to the dentist this morning and at the stop light my car dies. It doesn’t want to start, just keeps cranking. Then it finally does and the check engine light is on. Great. So I go to the dentist because it seems to be running fine and then I head right to the dealership. When I go to drop it off the service guy says it’s probably low on oil. I was like WHAT?! It was, it was so low that it didn’t register on the stick. Why in the heck would the car not give me an oil light if the oil was low?! Goodness. Anyway, it is all fixed and I picked it up this evening.
On a side note, the dealership had two hellcats in the showroom, both sitting at a cool $80,000.00 WOW.
Also, me and mom went to Chili’s after and someone paid for our meal. I thought that was really nice. They did it because someone paid for theirs. So we paid for someone else’s. We paid for this young couple who held both doors open for us. We sent a note that said we had seen them hold the door and thought it was really nice. I think they were happy.
Today for work I went to see the local construction folks, a guy who was really involved in the tool I used to work on. Got them going in the right direction and they took me to lunch at a local BBQ place and it was good. It took longer than I thought, but it was well worth it. I am supposed to go back tomorrow and help them more with a couple more people coming.
OK, I kept yawning and yawning in the restaurant so I am going to bed. GOODNIGHT!!
Also, just because I didn’t mention it, don’t think I didn’t play with those dog for so long again tonight. Now I am having to go for walks with them too. It is just in the yard, but they want me along for all the fun…
So, this is a think I really don’t love doing. I would much rather go to a stand alone store, maybe it is because it is just so packed. Me and mom had gone up there to get her necklace that was broken. The “fixing” of broken necklaces isn’t great and I had never known this, so I am pretty bummed that the necklace that I just broke, my (what I would consider) expensive one, needs to be fixed. Booooooo!
Since mom was with me I tried to park as close as possible in a handicap spot. There was one and right next to it was a regular spot. I had to wait for a lady to cross the lane entrance and while I was waiting a car pulled up coming from the other direction and waited as well… I will be damned if they didn’t take that handicap spot! I was like, that lady is LUCKY there is a regular spot there because I would have said something! Probably not, but still. I have never had that done to me and it is annoying
I also went to my doctor today, got that out of the way while I was in town. Makes me very happy. Got some new prescriptions. Hoping it will help with me getting like a dizzy feeling in the afternoons. I dropped them off, but could not be bothered to pick them up – sometimes I impress myself with my laziness
We were supposed to have egg sandwiches for dinner, but we ate the rest of the sausage and gravy and that was really good. Like a perfect amount for the 3 of us.
Alright, I have an early dentist appointment tomorrow so I am going to get to bed
Today I applied for a job. Doesn’t happen very often for me I am feeling very good about this choice – much better than I felt about leaving my last job for my most recent one Once I had left, I knew I had made a bad choice, but fi I hadn’t I am not sure I would be where I am right now and that is a good place.
Over the last couple years I have been really getting to know my the people I want to work with. I have been meeting so many people and doing so many good things and it is all going to pay off for me I know!!
Ok, enough about that, sorta Today was the first day I have been back in the office in so long. I have missed seeing my friends there for sure and I will have this whole week and most of next to enjoy the short break from travel. It’s weird, travel is something I enjoy a ton, but it is healthy to have a little break every now and then. Especially with out current schedule where we basically move hotels each night, that is hard. I never knew, this is the first I have done that style. Thank goodness someone else always drive because I am not sure I could handle it
Hold on, I have to take the dogs out – for about the 5th time…
I have been using Beme for short videos, mostly of the puppies and I like it, I just don’t love putting videos on here because I use YouTube to do that. So them being so short is just a lot of work.
Alright, it’s that time again to get ready for bed I am in the middle of a very good book as well. I think I mentioned what it was about, but I will write a review when it is done Goodnight all!!!
Everyone came over today and we had dinner together. Carlos and I made Yummy Biscuit and Grave Bake and some scrambled eggs – it was good Made way too much, but oh well, the boys took care of it!!
I just got done playing with the dogs for the millionth time, it seems anyway, and they are pooped now. I didn’t do laundry like I should have and I didn’t change my bedsheets like I should have and the only thing I did do was go get me more cereal – PRIORITIES!!!
I am going to jump in the shower and watch another episode of Orange is the New Black and then get to bed cause I am home this week and need to go downtown tomorrow and I have an important 08:00 meeting. LIFE
I took Nickel when I dropped mom off at her meeting today – he was NOT happy that we left her. He was very concerned and kept looking for her even when we got home. It was so sweet. I took him with me to go get her and he was so happy to see her – it was very interesting. I couldn’t believe how upset he got, but all is better now that all the people are where they should be
I am so glad to be home, this was a long trip. I basically got home today since it was such a late flight I slept so much this morning, it felt nice. I woke up with a slight headache, but not too bad.
Paul and Carlos will be out today, but I think it is going to rain all day. Hopefully it holds out a bit.
I played with the puppies several times, they acted like they could not get enough We played in the breaks of rain showers.
The boys brought over fried chicken so that is what we had for lunch and dinner. Lazy Tomorrow we MUST cook our own food because I am sick of eating out.
Tomorrow is going to be a busy one because today was so lazy!! Ha ha ha, worth it
Last night I went to sleep with a horrible headache and it is still very bad this morning. I ran out of medicine last night and didn’t think much of it, well – bad idea
I called in the prescriptions this morning at like 04:00.
I went to the store before going to work, it was like 15 minutes the other way so I didn’t get to F Tower until like 09:30. My headache is still very bad. I hope it clears up soon!
Alright, now I am at the Detroit airport and I still have a headache… This is horrible.
So, I decided yesterday that I was going to leave my current employer because I feel very unappreciated. I don’t ask for much and when I do it must be important and they just refused to work with me so here we go on a new adventure Not sure where I am going yet, but all I know is that I am going to be better off and happier!! Let’s GO!!!!
First, something I forgot to mention that happened the other day, I spilled an entire cup of water on my Macbook! Luckily everything is fine, but I had a slight heart attack as I watched the water covering my keyboard. Oh yeah, my phone was soaked too, but it is NOTHING compared to the computer!
Now, for the rest of the story
F Tower. I walk up to this old brick building in the middle of no less than 4 sets of tracks (not sure the exact count). I see in the upper left corner a simple monogram in stone weathered from all the years of service F. We go into the door and you can smell the age of wires and equipment that has been running for so many years. I am there no more than 5 minutes and the amazement and terror of this location is realized, a huge freight train blows by the building at maximum track speed. The entire building shakes and you realize that you are at the absolute mercy of the railroad!!!
Ok, that’s my shot at a dramatic writing style But seriously, I have been scared – legitimately frightened over only two things in my career and I have experienced BOTH in the last 2 years. The first is high railing over a bridge and the second is being inside F Tower. High railing for those who don’t know is when you ride in a vehicle, truck, on the tracks. The thing about the railroads is that a train isn’t like a car and it doesn’t need guardrails for bridges. It can’t accidentally veer off to the right and need a guardrail to keep it above the water. It is very scary to ride over a bridge – especially one of any height
Now for the second, F Tower. You may not have ever heard of Fostoria, Ohio, but “railroad” people have. it is a very busy area for trains and there are multiple railroads crossing each other and while it is not the fastest speeds, it is fast enough for such tight spaces. There is a place you can see from F Tower that is called The Iron Triangle where railroad watchers go to take train pictures and just watch the trains go by. It is kinda a big deal
Anyway, this place is actually one of the first projects I worked on when I started in the business. I started in 1996 and we did this job in 1998. It is nice because I am a month away from my 20 year anniversary being a railroader. I think it is kinda cool
This morning on the way to the office, we had a little bit of extra time so we had breakfast at this diner in town called Dell’s. It’s been here for 75 years!! It was probably the best biscuit and gravy I have ever had, and I have a recipe y’all!!!
Then I worked all day helping get this location all right. It’s not that it was wrong, but because it is so big and complicated it needed to have some special attention to organize it a little better.
We had lunch in town at a Chinese place, not great, and back to work I got back to the hotel, grabbed me some Subway and watched all my YouTube people and now I am in bed doing this
I am going to wrap it up though because I haven’t managed to find a new book yet and I have a long flight tomorrow.