Day 207 – The First Day of the Safety Cert!

Today was the first day of the safety certification that I have a class to teach.  I actually have part of a class, not a whole one :)

So far things have went really well.  The hotel it is in is really nice and I have met a couple of the guys wives.  Food was good at the group lunch too.

We went to dinner at this Italian place and everyone was having a good time.  There was 10 of us at the table and we were all cutting up and laughing really loudly like we were the only people in the place :)  It was a good time.  The strangest thing happened and it was like – WHAT?!  Two of the guys were gonna share a pizza and asked for all meat toppings.  When the pizza came it has jalapeno peppers and onions and some other kinds of veggies and when they asked the server about it he was like “well, they threw some extra stuff on there – it’s alright”!!!!!  How in the heck does that work?  ha ha ha

Oh, we also tried a new food for me, Palenta.  It was very interesting, it’s kinda like grits with some sauce and mushrooms and onions on top.

They all went out and here I am in the hotel :)  I have to get my sleep!

Day 206 – The New Backpack Day

I have decided that I am going to switch backpacks to my new one.  I am doing it because on this last trip I got some kind of sticky crap on my current one :(  I am excited though, it is a good backpack :)

Paul is over today, came today instead of yesterday so he could take me to the airport.

I just started laundry so there’s that :)  I better get busy so I will get back to this later.

Day 205 – The Day I Spent at Home (In Bed)

I have been so tired lately with all the traveling and I just stayed in bed most of the morning, actually I think it was until at least 13:00.  Then when I did get up I just stayed as lazy as possible :)

I did exercise the puppies several times.  Nickel was being very strange, I think he was a little overheated.  I made him come inside but he wasn’t really drinking and then would want to go out again.  So we just sat a couple times outside.

I started to lay out some clothes to bring on this next trip.  I haven’t been dressing very nice mainly because nothing fits anymore.  I don’t know why I can’t get motivated, but I really really need to do something with myself.

I changed out my earrings and am wearing my new ones, I love them!!

I have no plans of doing laundry until tomorrow.  I should do it today but oh well :)

Day 204 – The Interview Day

Today I have a phone interview for a job that I applied to at CSX.  I also have 2 web demos that I need to do for the new software release we just did.  These are easy demos, most of the time the morning group will ask a ton of questions and then the afternoon group will ask none :)

The phone interview is giving me a strange feeling.  Really the interviews are feeling weird to me period because I know the people, I am working with some / most of them and the questions that get asked are totally related to the project I am working on with them.  So, I think the interview went well.

My demos went well also and now it is time to go home :)

Played with the puppies so many times!  Now I think I am gonna go to bed!

Day 203 – The Day the Errands Ran

Today was a work / get stuff done while I am in town day!  I got everything done that I wanted to so I am very happy.

I have been playing with the puppies and I have really missed this :)  I have not missed them barking in my face, but you take the good with the bad!

Tomorrow I have an interview for the job I applied for at CSX.  I am happy to see where this goes.  I also have to get there early so that I can do a call.  I have been doing them from home, but I need to drop stuff off down there too.  Maybe I will do the AM call from home and the afternoon one from HQ.  Will have to see how I feel :)

Mom went out with me to run around.  I left her at books a million while I did what I needed to in the mall and she had her some ice cream.  She was happy :)

Alright, I am going to get ready for bed because it is almost bed time :)  Bye!!

Day 202 – The Day I Came Home

Today is our last day on this trip, a short week.  I am happy to be going home and happy that next week is a different kind of trip where I get to stay in the same hotel for more than a night :)

Also, I hate time zones :)  I messed up today and was about a half hour late because I didn’t realize I had set my phone to be auto changing.  Oh man, luckily they called me and I hurried up to get packed.

We are sitting in a room now waiting on people to start getting here.  This room is in a cafe so I got me some breakfast.  It was biscuit gravy, but not the best I have had :)

I am gonna eat now so I will get back with ya later :)

At the airport, only 5 hours early – no big deal :)  We just ate at a place called Shannon’s – some kind of baseball player here in St. Louis.  It was pretty good, next stop will be Baskin Robins for a milkshake!!!

I packed my sweater because it was so hot in the airport and now of course I am freezing so I may get a Cardinals sweater.  So be it.

Well since I don’t seem to get back to my blog on the same night I am going to go ahead and end this now.

Day 201 – The Long Drive Day

Today we are going to have a 3 hour drive after the session.  But right now we are headed out to the office!

So this session has a lot of people and some of them have a lot of extra stuff so we aren’t getting out of here anytime soon :(

Finally in Mount Vernon!  We ended up finishing up at like 14:00 and then we were able to make pretty good time here, but now I just want to get into my PJs and get under covers :)

I walked across the street to get some food and it was pretty good.  Now I am sitting in bed all comfy and ready to just relax.    I think I am going to read for a while so I will wrap this up.  Don’t know why these have been so short, guess it just isn’t that exciting driving all day :)

Day 200 – The Day of 3 Cities

Today we are going from Nicholasville to Richmond to Louisville!  It is a lot of driving, luckily I am riding.  There is an Apple store in Lexington so we may stop there so I can get a new watch.  It is kinda strange not having it after wearing every day.

I was next to the laundry facility at the hotel last night.  Not good.  Apparently the BEST time to do laundry in a hotel is about 04:00!  It was so freakin loud, but luckily it was a consistent rhythm and I was able to fall back asleep.  That is after I ate a PB&J :)

Our meeting went really well again today.  We had a bit more people then we have been having, but since we are only at one location today I guess that makes sense.

We are going to go to Louisville after leaving here and it is a good bit of a drive.  We are going to stop in Lexington to go to an Apple store so I can get a new watch.

Apple store, how you disappoint me!  So, the person I talked to on the phone led me to believe that they would just exchange the watch, well they don’t do that in any stores…  So I went all out of my way and for no reason.  Now I need to call again and have them send me shipping stuff so I can send it off.  Awesome!

We ate at an Outback tonight.  It was really good.  I don’t usually go to the one at home because it is always just too busy.

Alright, I am going to bed now.

Day 199 – Another Day Another Trip

Today I am flying to Lexington, Kentucky.  We are starting off there and then ending up in St. Louis.  These trips are hard, but they have ended up being very productive at almost every single session.  I think there has really only been 1 place that didn’t have much discussion, but at least I showed them some new functionality.

The puppies know when I have the suitcase out that I am going to be leaving.  They are both staying very close to me and it.

Laundry is all done and now I am just working around the room until I need to jump in the shower and head out :)

Food, check – shower, check – packed, check – ride here, check :)

Got to Lexington safe and sound even though the cab ride could have ended badly!  The guy was driving about 20 miles over the speed limit the entire way :)


Day 198 – The To Do List Day

Today was a busy day.  This is the only full day I am home this weekend and I have 4 major tasks to accomplish:

  • Get a business checking account
  • Get my hair done
  • Look at storage sheds
  • Meet up with my friend

I got the bank account done first.  Then on the way home, Carlos and I looked at sheds, but I still need to go up there with dad (that was who was supposed to go).  I wasn’t able to do that because my mom was at an assembly and we can’t leave these little angels all alone :)  My hair appointment was able to move to later in the day so I could do it :)  My friend was patient enough to wait for me to finish at the salon and then we went to have a bite to eat.

All these things getting done was a good feeling, especially getting to see my friend.  I hadn’t seen her in ages.

I should have started some laundry but I am just gonna have to do it tomorrow.  My brothers came over and Paul worked super hard.  He washed my mom’s truck and my dad’s and I think he touched up his own.  He was worried about getting to mine!  So nice.

Well, I am going to try to get to bed at a reasonable time tonight so I can get up and finish getting ready to go back out :)