Day 217 – The Pay Day!!

I got my first pay check today for the company!!!  I am so very happy.  It was a direct deposit so I didn’t get a check or cash – kinda sad.  Was thinking about going to the bank and getting a crisp bill.  I’ll see, maybe tomorrow.

I got lots done again today, had a couple phone calls and had to deal with a couple issues I am covering for another person who is on vacation.  Overall it was a pretty good day.

I still have tons of makeup work to do.  It’s not that I have been putting it off it’s just that we really couldn’t do it until we were done with major changes and now we are kinda to that point.

Having fun playing with these puppies while I am here.  I will be gone most of the month so time is precious.

I am using my new laptop lap table.  I am loving it, my mattress seems to be a little work on the one side that I always sleep so it is leaning a little…  I have fixed it by propping one of my million pillows under that side!

We had some Publix wings for dinner, very good.  No hard work on our side :)  Alright, going to bed now – didn’t sleep well last night, going to try to make up for it tonight.

Day 216 – The Long Drive Home

We drove from Boynton Beach all the way home today.  Our session this morning was good, helped clean up a couple things and then we were on our way.  It was a very short session – only like 5 computers to upgrade.

On the ride home we went to lunch at Applebee’s somewhere, Ft. Pierce I think.  It was good.

When I got home, I was so tired.  Riding that long is very tiring too!!  I played with the puppies, ate, and now I am sitting in bed about to read some of my book and fall asleep :)

Nothing super exciting happened.  Tomorrow is supposed to be my first pay day.  I am very excited for that!

Day 215 – The Day We Drove Across Nowhere

Today we started in Tampa.  We had a large group to deal with but it still went very smooth and was totally worth it.  I thought they were going to have a ton of questions but there was just a couple.  The good news is we fixed some ongoing issues and that is what made it worth it.

We left there around noon and went to a place that Denise said had the best Cuban sandwiches.  I don’t really like a couple of the staples of those sandwiches, mustard and swiss, but it was very good food.  Then we started the longish journey across the nowhere of Florida!  We went through Yeehaw Junction – how about that?!

But the middle of Florida is just so blah.  Nothing really around and we didn’t even get to see any pythons or alligators!  Bummer.

When we got to Boynton Beach, which I guess is basically West Palm, we went to the hotel and then it was time for dinner.  We had to stop at Barnes and Noble to get the new Harry Potter book and then Carrabba’s :)  Yummy!!

Back at the hotel now and getting ready for bed – night all!

Day 214 – The Day I Went To Tampa

We just got to the hotel and I am in bed doing this.  We ate on the way at a hibachi place which is funny because I ate Panda Express for lunch 😉

We had the septic tank pumped today and the puppies were going insane about them being there.  It was kinda funny cause when they saw the truck they just lost it!

We have a very early morning tomorrow and a bit of a drive over to Boyton Beach.  I think that the people here have prepped issues or questions for me so that will make things easy.

Alright I am gonna read since I didn’t get to since there was no flight and I don’t wanna read this book for 6 months like the first one :)

Day 213 – The Massage Day

Last night I scheduled a massage for tonight.  It is a place in town so no idea what it is going to be like.  I have done laundry today and played with the dogs and that is really just about it.  How sad :( but I like being home and not worrying about going places.

So the massage was very good.  It was a deep tissue because I have an issue with my left arm falling asleep.  It hasn’t helped that just yet but I am thinking I am just gonna do it a couple times before I try something else.

I leave tomorrow instead of today like usual.  We are driving down to Tampa so it won’t be too far.  That is a pretty easy drive.


Day 212 – Pedicure Day With Carlos

Carlos and I went to get pedicures today.  I haven’t had one in like 8 months and it was GREAT!!  My feet feel so much better, they were awful.  Not only were they rough they seemed to be stained from always wearing flip flops outside playing with the dogs.  GROSS!  It was Carlos’ first time and he loved it.  We will be going every 2 weeks now :)

I need to get a massage, maybe we can add that to the rotation once a month or something.  I just made an appointment for one tomorrow.  Try it out and if it is good we can plan on that for next time :)

I leave out this week on Monday and not the normal Sunday so I have a whole extra day :)

Tomorrow is laundry day for sure.  I  feel like I always do laundry.  Oh well.

Made biscuits and gravy for dinner, it was pretty good if I do say so myself :)

Alright, I am about to go outside with the dogs one more time and then bed :)

Day 211 – The 20 Year Day

Today I have been in the railroad signaling business for 20 years.  Wow, I don’t feel like it, probably because for the most part it has been an amazing experience.  Where I am now is also an amazing place.  I have made great friends and been to some great places.  Most recently I have been lucky enough to meet new people and get to know others better and that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

I went downtown today to work and got lots done again.  I only had one meeting so that was good.  It was so hot though, I couldn’t believe it.  Goodness!!

We have gone out so many time tonight and the last “walk” Nickel dug up a armadillo shell…  Of course he want’s to bring it in the house, why not?!

I was just outside sitting on the tailgate of the truck, eating ice cream, and watching the puppies, listening to whip-poor-wills.

Alright, I am gonna finish up so that I can lounge before bed :)

Day 210 – The Catchup Day

Today was a day to catch up on things at home while I still do work stuff.  I haven’t been gone all that long this time, but I still have stuff piled up that I need to do.

I got some good bits of work done.

I really didn’t have anything exciting today.  Played with the puppies a lot, as usual and that’s kinda it.  Sorry :(

Day 209 – The Final Day :(

Today is the last day I will be here :(  I am very sad, but I was able to see my friend and gave him his picture :)  He liked it and that makes me so happy.

I had two classes today just like the last two days and they all went well.  One of them I had to spend a lot more time then before because the schedule shuffled.  But all went well.

Lunch was hot dogs and hamburgers – but good :)  Then this afternoon the big boss gave a talk and right after we left.  We had been at the airport for about 30 minutes and the flight was delayed and it looked like they moved me on the connection flight to get in at 01:00…  Luckily the flight ended up leaving on time and we actually got in early,  I made the original flight and got home, still late, but no where near 03:00.

Sleep now!

Day 208 – Another Great Day Down by the River

Today was another great day.  We had great classes, good lunch, went out with a couple of the guys for dinner – all great stuff!!

Tonight was also BINGO night.  No, I didn’t win, I never win, I believe I am cursed – and everyone says it too!!  I sat with a couple people I have worked closer too and their family and it was all good fun.  Like 4 other people at our table won by the way – HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!  ha ha ha

After that, it was still pretty early so a couple people went for walks.  I went with this one family that has 6 kids where 4 were there.  We walked down the the river front and over this bridge over the railroad tracks and a couple UP engines were going under, it was very nice.  Then we walked around this old depot and again, bed time :)

I grabbed a snack at the hotel because we ate so early and now I am going to eat and sleep!