Day 238 – The Day I was in Avon (Yard)

First, I must say how warm I feel with all the comments on yesterday’s blog!  I wasn’t sad writing it, just getting it out at that point, but still to know that many friends are engaged is amazing :)

Today we have an early flight but right now we are at Avon Yard.  This is a very loud office being near the retarders.  If you know what I mean you know how screeching it is.  I am gonna try to get a video to show it.

I am going to be getting home around 19:00 tonight and I can’t wait.  I have a busy working weekend, but all this work is gonna pay off very soon :)  I will have check boxes next to a task instead of the ongoing tasks you never check off.

Right when I decided I was going to grab a video to get that sound, the trains stop coming :(   Oh well, maybe next time.

I am now sitting at the gate in Indianapolis waiting on our flight to board.  Not too much time left, can’t wait to get home.  My phone is about dead, my replacement is waiting for me at home.  This stinks, I don’t know how people put up with phones dying during the day!

Next week we will be starting in Ohio I think.  Tomorrow I am going to take dad and go look at sheds!  I want to get figured out what one I want and get that next month.  I need BUSINESS space :)

Alright, I might add to this later, but the layover in Atlanta is short and I know when I get home I am going to have prime time puppy bonding time :)


Day 237 – The Day I Felt Broken

I don’t feel normal, I feel broken…

Here is the thing, I am a very structured person when it comes to work. I know exactly what I am doing, I have the answers, I get things done, and above all I am confident in what I do.

So, how am I broken? Well, in my personal life, which I barely have really, I am so detached from my other self. I won’t say opposite, but I am in the passenger seat for sure.

It confuses me and upsets me when I get angry or hurt by something emotionally and my mind is telling myself that this is not something to be worried about. I think most people do things like put themselves down in their mind and are basically held back by their own thoughts, I am not. I know exactly when something is not working and I feel a very strong emotional attachment to it that I can’t seem to break.

Incredibly frustrating. So, that is the struggles of 2016 it seems, to be more reserved emotionally. This is not just about a boyfriend either, this is friendships too. I get very attached to friends and am just as hurt if they do something great and don’t include me as I would a boyfriend. It makes no sense, and I know it :)

Alright, moving on. Indiana, that is where I am today and after a shorter session this morning and a very long drive yesterday we are at the hotel early. I am sitting in my room, watching it rain outside and waiting for a call this afternoon that I am supposed to be on. I think that I really only booked 1 flight today, but I feel like that is all I do anymore is book flights, rental cars, and hotels. It not bad or hard or anything it is just something I have to give a lot of attention to because we have a crazy schedule through the beginning of October.

I rented a Jeep Grand Cherokee and it is so nice. I had thought about getting one of those and then I changed my mind to a truck, mainly because they are so dang expensive, but they sure are nice!

Well, here is a picture from today. It is incredibly hard for me to take a selfie with my phone being so huge so they usually look like this – half of my face and tilted :)

Plainfield, IN hotel :)
Plainfield, IN hotel :)

Day 235 – The First Class Day

Yesterday I was supposed to fly out from Jacksonville to Indianapolis, but the weather in Atlanta was too bad and no flights were moving. I decided to just go back home and try to come out the next day. I talked to the ticket agent and got my new flight for today and that ended up going to Detroit instead. Because of the ticket status I got first class on both flights!! I haven’t had first class in so long I forgot what it was like :) LOVE IT :)

Today’s traveling was very uneventful, which is always nice. I flew into Detroit and had to drive a couple hours down to Findlay, Ohio. It was a nice drive, just a little bit of construction, but really didn’t add to much time. It always helps when I have a nice rental car and this trip I do. I rented a Jeep Grand Cherokee. It is pretty well equipped, but the main thing is that it has some power. Most of the rental cars don’t have enough power.

I forgot my meds at home so I had to deal with trying to get a partial refill and not pay a million dollars. The Walgreens lady really came through for me and got it approved to be a travel refill. Apparently that is a thing, good to know!

Findlay, Ohio. I have been here I think 3 times now. A place I had never heard of and now I know my way all around here 😉 Findlay is known as “Flag City USA”. What does that mean, well they had a guy who wanted every house to have an American flag so they had this whole campaign and now it is officially known as that. I would like to see what this town looks like on Flag Day.

I am going to start to publish these pages early in the day and then just add to them in the evening. I keep missing too many day :(

So I will be back later :)

Day 230 – The Day I Almost Went Home

Right now I am sitting in a restaurant in the Buffalo, NY airport.  I am headed to Atlanta to help support a cutover.  I was supposed to be heading home tonight, but I got asked to help so I help :)

I fly out again on Sunday afternoon, headed to Indianapolis.  I had to not check my bag which I haven’t done in forever so that was fun.  Really it wasn’t bad, I got priority security and actually got through way before my coworker who was TSA :)

I haven’t blogged this whole trip, I have been trying to get some other things done but I am catching up right now.  We went to a mall in Utica, NY which is where we were the first night.  It was HUGE!  We must have walked 4 miles in it.  I went to my favorite store and got some shirts because NY only has 4% sales tax if the item is below a specific price!!!!

The next night we were at Syracuse, NY.  They also have the same huge kind of mall, but we didn’t go to this one because I finally got to see Niagara Falls!!!  I was so very happy, and basically forgot all about it until we got there.  We also went on the Maid of the Mist.  That was very cool, but I did just about make myself sick from watching the swirling water.  It is pretty amazing.  I don’t have a waterproof case so I didn’t get too many pictures, but my coworker did and I will get them from her soon.

Today we are in Buffalo working.  We were in Frontier Yard today, not too bad for a yard :)  They are just a bit loud sometimes, but most yards have been around for a whole.

Well, here are the pictures so enjoy and I will try to blog tomorrow :)  Get back on track!

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Day 223 – The Day of the Even Longer Detour

Alright, I HATE TOLL ROADS!!!!!  The issue today was that the toll reader in the rental car didn’t work so I decided to try to avoid them yesterday, which didn’t work,  but I forgot I had the GPS set that way and today’s route did avoid them.  To the tune of 2 hours extra of driving, on those horrible roads, slowing down and speeding up, and all kinds of turns and construction!!

When we got to the hotel we hung out a little bit and then went onto dinner.  I had a little incident tonight after dinner where I really felt like one of the group didn’t want to be there.  Like it was such a burden to deal with us.  On the f**king phone the whole time, walked in a couple minutes after us and left the table to go outside before us.  Most of the time the entire group is on their phones all the time.  I don’t do that because I think it is rude.  I can understand at lunch time on a work day, but every single time we go out!  I told them that I would rather go to dinner by myself then be with people who aren’t “with” me.  And that is exactly how I feel!

I am sitting in the room, again, getting ready to get in the bed and read some before I go to sleep and be fresh for tomorrow, the last session of training for the week!  Goodnight!

Day 222 – The Day of the Long Detour

So today we went from New York to Connecticut and there was a bad traffic section on the maps so we took a detour…  I am not sure that the detour was any better than sitting in the traffic, if there really was any, because it added about a half hour to the trip I think!  Plus it was a lot of slow down, speed up, turn sharp kind of junk :)

We didn’t eat lunch before the trip so once we got here we went on search for food.  We found a pizza place that kinda did everything so we got “lunch” again today at almost dinner time.  I got a veggie pizza because the reviews looked really good, but it wasn’t that great.  Not the worst I have had, but nothing to write home about – oh wait, I kinda am…

So I am sitting here in my room eating my cake and fixing to lay down to read.  Goodnight all!!

Day 221 – Day One in the North!

Today we had a pretty good session, the guys only had a couple questions, but I was able to help someone so as always I call it a success!

I can’t remember the name of the city we were actually in, got to get it from Denise, but after that we went to the New York hotel!  Once we got there Mike, Howard, and I went into the city!  We walked like 8 miles!  It was great.  I always love going to the cities.

I did have to drive through the city on the way to the hotel and I didn’t actually like that too much, but I was only honked at once and there was no real issues.

So in the city, first we went to Grand Central and then we walked to Times Square.  We ate at Junior’s just a block away from Times Square and it was really good.  After we left there we walked towards Central Park.  When we got there we kinda walked around the short side and like half down the long side.  It is a lot of walking!  We did that so I could see a building I read a book about, 740 Park.  I wasn’t as impressed with it as I thought I would be, but it was still pretty great.  After that we got on the train and went back to the hotel.

It really was a great time.  Now, my feet are killing me and my back is too.  So, here are the pictures I took and I will see you tomorrow!

The other side of Times Square.
The other side of Times Square.
Times Square.
Times Square.
Statue in front of the corner of Central Park.
Statue in front of the corner of Central Park.
Central Park.
Central Park.
Park Avenue entrance for 740 Park.
Park Avenue entrance for 740 Park.
71st Street entrance.
71st Street entrance.
This would have been one of the mini mansions in 740 Park. Now I think they are mostly businesses.
This would have been one of the mini mansions in 740 Park. Now I think they are mostly businesses.
Tried to get a good pic of the carvings - 740 Park.
Tried to get a good pic of the carvings – 740 Park.
This is the 71st Street entrance to 740 Park.
This is the 71st Street entrance to 740 Park.
740 Park.
740 Park.
740 Park.
740 Park.
Service Entrance for 740 Park.
Service Entrance for 740 Park.

Day 220 – The Late Flight Day

Oh my goodness, today I flew into Philadelphia so that I didn’t have to get up at like 03:00 Monday and it is so late!  I get here to the hotel and of course there is nothing open around it for food and I am starving.  I try not to eat at the airport because it is just so expensive.  I messed up this time.  So, at the hotel they have some snacks right – chocolate ice cream it is :)

The flight between Atlanta and Philadelphia was pretty bumpy.  I haven’t had that happen in a while.  I did manage to get a ton of reading done on both flights so that was good.

Well it is really late so I am going to go to bed now – goodnight!

Day 219 – Laundry Day on a Saturday?

Yes, since I am leaving on Sunday I have decided to not rush and do all my laundry today.  I like my routines and this is just too crazy :)

Paul was supposed to come out today, as normal, but since he is taking me to the airport he is just going to come tomorrow.  Which is good, I appreciate how often he is coming out!

So much playing with the puppies!  Nickel took his red ball into the woods sometime last week and dropped it.  I have been asking him to go get it, but he never does.  So today I asked him to and he came back with a box turtle!  I said, not a turtle, BALL!!!  He is smart :)

I got the rest of the clothes I ordered today.  Most are perfect, but the dress I got doesn’t really fit in the top – which is pretty normal.  It is close so when I stop eating like a jerk and go back to what I was doing last year I will be fine :)  I really need to!

Alright, gonna get this stuff done so I don’t rush tomorrow – BYE!!

Day 218 – The Rain Day

Today was another busy working day.  I had a couple more issues to handle for the other person I am covering for and then tried to get some updates on my stuff done.

I got a couple deliveries today, clothes and also my new headset.  I am gonna be more mobile like Denise for real!!  The clothes was like 1 item out of 6, I am a little bummed.  The others say they will be here tomorrow.  Hopefully that is true!

Today my phone died really quickly and I am unsure why that is.  If it dies again tomorrow I am going to be really concerned.

I was going to watch some TV shows I have been wanting to watch, but for some reason I can’t concentrate enough to actually watch.  Gonna try while I am on the road.  I also need to finish my book.  I am currently 32% done.  Making good progress.  I need to go to the book store to pick up my new Harry Potter book.  Maybe I will do that tomorrow.  I still need to take my dad to look at the sheds I was thinking about getting.

The dogs are being bad tonight.  I just had to get onto them by kicking them out of the house and now Nickel is laying on the window sill pouting.

Alright, I am going to call it quits.  Try to relax.